Faculty & Research

Anand Kumar Jaiswal


Prof. Anand Kumar Jaiswal

Professor Jaiswal is Professor of Marketing at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA). His research interests include services management, customer satisfaction, customer retention, bottom of the pyramid (BOP) markets, business-to-consumer e-commerce, Innovations and Healthcare Management.. 

He has been involved in executive training /development programmes with several Indian and multinational corporations such as PepsiCo, Novartis, Fullerton, HDFC Life, Daimler, Quess Corp Limited, Cummins India Limited, Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Larsen & Toubro Limited (L&T), Life Insurance Company (LIC), Gorkha Breweries, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). He did consulting projects / other assignments for several organizations such as Sanofi-Aventis, Novo Nordisk, Novo Nordisk Region International Operations, General Electric, Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, and Research International.

He has also won several awards for his research work. He was given Distinguished Young Professor Award for excellence in research in 2011 at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad. He won the International Management Division’s Skolkovo Best Paper Finalist award in 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston. He was also nominated for the Gustavson School of Business Award for the ‘Best Qualitative Paper in International Business’ of International Management Division in 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston. He won the best paper award in Business Studies in 4th International Conference on Theory & Practice, Adelaide, South Australia, 9th –10th February, 2018... 

He won the best case award in 2011 international EFMD (EQUIS) Case Competition in the Indian Management Issues and Opportunities category. In 2013 international EFMD Case Competition he was runner-up in the Indian Management Issues and Opportunities category and received a special Highly Commended mention.. 

He was selected for the First Biennial Sheth Emerging Scholars Faculty Consortium at Reims, France in 2011. He also won award for ‘Excellence in Management Writing’ at IBS Kolkata and Telegraph Strategy Summit in 2005; the best doctoral student paper award at AIMS International Conference, IIM Calcutta in 2004, and the best paper in marketing award at Doctoral Symposium COSMAR, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2003..

He has published papers in Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Long Range Planning, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Innovations, Organization & Environment, Managing Service Quality (Journal of Service Theory and Practice), Journal of Macromarketing, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Electronic Markets, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Sustainability, BMC Health Services Research, Social Science & Medicine, Australian Journal of Management, Information Technology for Development, Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, Asian Case Research Journal, Economic & Political Weekly and Decision..

Prof Jaiswal's work in the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) has attracted attention of academicians and practitioners in India and abroad. His first paper providing a different perspective on the bottom of the pyramid has been published in 2008 in the Innovation, a prestigious journal from MIT press. This paper is among the Most Cited Papers of Innovations. He published papers in the BOP and related areas in the Financial Times (FT) 50 journals such as Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and Journal of Business Ethics. His paper examining the competitive dynamics between MNCs and domestic companies at the bottom of the pyramid markets has been published in Long Range Planning. His other papers in the area of the BOP were published in journals such as Organization & Environment, Sustainability and Journal of Consumer Marketing. He has conducted programmes/assignments on the bottom of the pyramid for several organisations such as Sanofi-Aventis, Novo Nordisk, Novo Nordisk Region International Operations and General Electric (GE).. 

He has written international award winning, bestsellers and high impact cases. Two of his cases on Radio Mirchi and Sanofi-Aventis won the best case and runner-up awards in EFMD (EQUIS) international case competition respectively. His four case studies on CavinKareCerenity Sanitiser (A) & (B) and Dettol are Bestsellers at Harvard Business Publishing indicating worldwide popularity, adoption and usage of the cases. Over 66000 copies of cases authored by him have been sold during 2015-2023, and the same have been used in over 270 institutes and corporations in more than 55 countries. 


Primary Area : Marketing

Secondary Area : Centre for Management in Agriculture


Email : akjaiswal@iima.ac.in

Phone : +91-79-7152 4862

Secretary : Hetal Shah

Phone : +91-79-7152 7772

Website : Personal Website


B.Tech, Fellow (XLRI Jamshedpur)


MBA and other programmes

  •     Marketing Management,
  •     Marketing Research,
  •     Business Rsearch Methods
  •     Business Strategies for the bottom of the pyramid (BOP),


Doctoral Programmes

  •     Structural equation modeling (SEM)
  •     Reading Seminar in Marketing Management
  •     Behavioural Sciences And Applications In Marketing
  •     Seminar on the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP)


Executive training /development programmes      

  •     PepsiCo,
  •     Cummins India Limited,
  •     Novartis,
  •     Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL),
  •     Larsen & Toubro Limited (L&T),
  •     Life Insurance Company (LIC),
  •     Gorkha Breweries,
  •     Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).
  •     Fullerton
  •     Daimler, 
  •     HDFC Life, 
  •     Quess Corp Limited


Open Enrollment Programmes

Research Area

Bottom of the pyramid (BOP) Markets

Business-to-consumer e-commerce

Services management

Healthcare Management and Innovation in healthcare

Relationship between service quality, behavioural intentions and firms' performance

Consumer evaluations of brand extension

Academic Experience

Professor, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, October 2020-current

Faculty Member, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, October 2005 onwards

Doctoral Candidate, Fellow Programme in Management, XLRI Jamshedpur, June 2001-October 2005.

Professional Experience

Worked with AMUL, Anand, Gujrat on quality assurance and operations, 1998-1999.

Professional Conferences

Angeli, Federica and Jaiswal, Anand K. (2015). "Business Model Innovation for Inclusive Healthcare Delivery at the Bottom of the Pyramid, GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives St. Petersburg, Russia, 15-17 October.

Federica Angeli and Anand K. Jaiswal (2014). "Why Do Local Companies Outperform MNCs in Inclusive Markets? An Institutional Perspective," Fifth Subsistence Marketplaces Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Illinois, US, June 13 - 15.

Federica Angeli and Anand K. Jaiswal (2014). "Business Model Innovation for Inclusive Healthcare" Second International Conference on Inclusive Innovation and Innovative Management, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University (VRU), Pathumthani, Thailand, December 11-12.

Federica Angeli and Anand K. Jaiswal (2012). Competitive Dynamics between MNCs and Domestic Companies at the BoP: An Institutional Perspective, Academy of Management 2012 Meeting, Boston, Aug 03-07.

Shruti Gupta and Anand K. Jaiswal (2011). "Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid: Service or Disservice?", 4th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, January 5-7.

Manoj Agarwal, Guido Berens and Anand K. Jaiswal (2011). "CSR and BOP Marketing: Are they Two Sides of the Same Coin?", 4th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, January 5-7.

Sharma, Garima, Jaiswal, Anand K. and Singh, Jagdip (2011). "Paradoxical Tensions and Unique Opportunities of Hybrid Business Models: A Framework and an Illustrative Case Study," Academy of Management 2011 Meeting, San Antonio, Aug 12-16.

Anand K. Jaiswal and Rakesh Niraj. (2010). "Does Attitudinal Loyalty Mediate the Relationship between Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions? An Empirical Examination," INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne, Germany, June 17-19.

Federica Angeli and Anand K. Jaiswal (2010). "Why Do Local Companies Outperform MNCs in Inclusive Markets? An Institutional Perspective", Strategic Management Forum conferece, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, December 15-17.

Shruti Gupta and Anand K. Jaiswal (2009). "Does ‘Bottom Of Pyramid' Marketing Trigger Compulsive Buying – An Exploratory Investigation," International Base of the Pyramid Conference, Gordon Institute of Business Science, Johannesburg, November 15-17.

Rakesh Niraj, Anand K. Jaiswal and Piyush K. Sinha (2008). "Understanding the Service-Profit Chain Using Individual Level Data for an Online Retailer," Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference, June 23-27, Las Vegas.

Anand K. Jaiswal and Rakesh Niraj (2008). "Examining Nonlinearity in Satisfaction-Loyalty-Behavioral Intentions Relationships," American Marketing Association 2008 Summer Educators' Conference, August 8-11, San Diego.

Anand K. Jaiswal and P. Venugopal (2007). "Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Satisfaction with Content Sites," Second IIMA Conference on Research in Marketing. Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, January 3-5.

Anand K. Jaiswal, Rakesh Niraj and P. Venugopal (2007). "On the Similarities of Online Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Models in Disparate Contexts," INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Lee Kong Chian School of Business of Singapore Management University, Singapore, June 28-30.

Anand K. Jaiswal and Prithwiraj Nath (2005). "Measuring E-Satisfaction: A Structural Modeling Approach", "International Conference on Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, January 12-13.

Anand K. Jaiswal, Dipika Shukla and P. Venugopal (2004). "Kinley – Emerging Leader in the Bottled Water Industry, Second AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMSiCOM-II), Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, December 28-31.

Anand K. Jaiswal (2004). "Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Measurement in Call Centres: An Assessment in Indian Context" Second AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMSiCOM-II), Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, December 28-31.

Anand K. Jaiswal and Prithwiraj Nath (2004). "Antecedents and Consequences of Customer e-Satisfaction", INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 24-26.

Anand K. Jaiswal, P. Venugopal and S. Ottar Olsen (2004). "Modeling the Relationship between Service Quality, Satisfaction & Value: A Relative Attitudinal Approach", INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 24-26.

Anand K. Jaiswal, R. Singh and S. K. Patro (2003). "Barista: Brewing a Coffee Revolution in India," 6th International Convention of the Strategic Management Forum, XLRI Jamshedpur, April 24-26.

Anand K. Jaiswal and S. K. Patro (2003). "Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extensions: Evidence from India," IABE-2003 Annual Conference, International Academy of Business and Economics, Las Vegas, US, October 19-22.

Anand K. Jaiswal (2002). "WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS): Strategic Implications for Indian Food Trade" Doctoral Symposium COSMAR 2002, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, September 19-21.

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Case Studies

Fugumobile: Breaking New Grounds in China [Available at IIMA Case Centre]


Discovery IQ by GE: Launching Super Value PET/CT Scanner [Harvard Business Publishing, IIMA Case Centre, Ivey Publishing, Case Centre-ECCH]


ABC Films: Marketing Research on Product Placement (A) [IIMA Case Centre, Case Centre-ECCH]


ABC Films: Marketing Research on Product Placement (B) [IIMA Case Centre, Case Centre-ECCH]


ABC Films: Marketing Research on Product Placement (C) [IIMA Case Centre, Case Centre-ECCH]


GE in India: Changing Healthcare [Harvard Business Publishing, IIMA Case Centre, Ivey Publishing, Case Centre-ECCH]


Aava Natural Mineral Water (A) [Harvard Business Publishing, IIMA Case Centre, Ivey Publishing, Case Centre-ECCH]


Aava Natural Mineral Water (B) [Harvard Business Publishing, IIMA Case Centre, Ivey Publishing, Case Centre-ECCH]


Cerenity Sanitizer: Marketing Research for New Product Launch (A) [Harvard Business Publishing, IIMA Case Centre,Ivey Publishing, Case Centre-ECCH]


Cerenity Sanitizer: Marketing Research for New Product Launch (B) [Harvard Business Publishing, IIMA Case Centre, Ivey Publishing, Case Centre-ECCH]


Prayas by Sanofi-Aventis in India: Making Healthcare Accessible to the Bottom of the Pyramid [This case was runner-up in the EFMD Case Writing Competition in Indian Management Issues and Opportunities category and also received a special 'Highly Commended' mention in 2013]. [Harvard Business Publishing, IIMA Case Centre, Ivey Publishing, Case Centre-ECCH]


Radio Mirchi: Marketing Strategy for Kolkata Entry [HBSP,IIMA Case Centre, Ivey Publishing , Case Centre-ECCH]

Radio Mirchi: Redesigning Product for the Banglore Market [This case won the best case award in the EFMD Case Writing Competition in the Indian Management Issues and Opportunities category in 2011] [Harvard Business Publishing, IIMA Case Centre, Ivey Publishing, Case Centre-ECCH]


CavinKare Private Limited: Serving Low Income Consumers[Asian Case Research Journal]


CavinKare Private Limited (A): Challenges of Sustaining Growth and Expanding Business [Harvard Business Publishing, IIMA Case Centre, Ivey Publishing, Case Centre-ECCH]


CavinKare Private Limited (B): Entry into Soaps and Detergents Market [Harvard Business Publishing, IIMA Case Centre, Ivey Publishing, Case Centre-ECCH]


Dettol: Managing Brand Extensions [This is among the Top 20 Most Read publications of Asian Case Research Journal, as on Aug 2014] [Harvard Business Publishing, Ivey Publishing, IIMA Case Centre, Asian Case Research Journal]


Dettol: Marketing Research for Understanding Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extensions [Harvard Business Publishing, Ivey Publishing, IIMA Case Centre]


Note on Brand Extensions [Harvard Business Publishing, Ivey Publishing, IIMA Case Centre]


Barista Coffee Company Limited [IIMA Case Centre]


Parle Bisleri at Crossroads [IIMA Case Centre]


SEWA Trade Facilitation Centre: Designing Roadmap for Business Expansion [IIMA Case Centre]


RUDI Rural Distribution Network of SEWA [IIMA Case Centre]

Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board: Managing Transitions [IIMA Case Centre, Asian Case Research Journal]

Invited Talks

  • Invited speaker and Panelist, Product Development and Management Association’s (PDMA) JPIM Research Forum, Special Session on Innovations in Emerging Economies, New Orleans, US, 16-17 September, 2023.
  • Invited Talk, Innovations in Emerging Markets, Fogelman College of Business and Economics, University of Memphis, US, Sep. 2I, 2023.
  • Invited Talk, Marketing in Emerging Markets, University of Nevada USAC center in Verona, Italy, July 2023.
  • Invited speaker and Panelist, American Marketing Association (AMA) 2022 Summer Academic Conference, US, special session on “Emerging Economy Innovation: Research Opportunities and Challenges”, August 12-14.
  • Invited speaker and anchor for the academic working group titled 'New Strategies for Building BoP Ecosystems: Setting the Research Agenda' in the third BOP Global Network summit, April 18 to 20, 2018, New Delhi.
  • Invited to deliver TED Talk on “Frugal Innovations and development of Ultra Low- cost Products” at TEDxMITSG, an independently organized TED event to be held on 28th October, 2017 at Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior.
  • Invited Keynote Speaker on “Competitive Dynamics between MNCs and Domestic Companies”, International Conference on Sustainable Innovation and Successful Product Development for a Turbulent Global Market, Product Development & Management Association, IIT Madras, December 16, 2013.
  • Invited Speaker on “Serving the Bottom and Middle of the Pyramid: Challenges and Opportunities”, General Electric (GE) - John F Welch Technology Center (JFWTC) Leadership Meet, Udaipur August 19, 2011.
  • Invited Seminar on “Examining Generalizability of Online Satisfaction and Loyalty Models: Applying a Framework for Simultaneous Consideration of Context-Specific and Context-General Factors”, Meteor Seminar, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, October 06, 2010.
  • Invited Speaker on “Inclusive Healthcare: Serving the Bottom of the Pyramid”, Asia Pacific Busines Development Finance Meeting, Sanofi-Aventis, Hong Kong, June 28, 2010.
  • Invited Seminar on “Inclusive Healthcare: Providing Healthcare to the Bottom of the Pyramid”, Maastricht University India Institute and School of Business and Economics, Netherlands, June 14, 2010.
  •  Invited Speaker on “Healthcare for the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) Consumers”, IO Compass – Action learning, Region International Operations, Novo Nordisk, August 12, 2009.
  • Invited Speaker on “Strategies for the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP)”, the Lighthouse Programme, Novo Nordisk, Chennai, April 02, 2009.

In News

Amul's big pivot: How the dairy major is looking to make a big play in the foods space , Business Today, Nov 2023

Bisleri's thirst for dominance: How Jayanti Chauhan is propelling the brand to greater heights, Business Today, Oct 2023

Leadership in Social Enterprises | Leadership Bytes! Ashank Desai Centre for Leadership and Organisational Development (ADCLOD) [Watch Video]

"Brands need to have a very good inbound marketing" Trade Promotion Council of India (TPCI),  Perspectives, October 21, 2020

"Crisis is an Opportunity for Brands to Differentiate", Trade Promotion Council of India (TPCI),  Perspectives, May 16, 2020

"Reverse Innovations and its Outcomes", IIMA Podcast channel, Sound cloud and Itune

"Current Status of e-Commerce and Challenges of Customer Retention", IIMA Podcast channel,  SoundCloud , iTunes

Given a choice, poorer Amdavadis would prefer private health", The Times of India, March 15, 2019

"M&M houses ICE vehicles and their edgier siblings, EVs, in the same", Economic Times, ETPrime, Feb 05, 2019

"In search of e-commerce loyalty", The Times of India, Nov 02, 2018

"What are e-commerce sites like Flipkart, Myntra doing to drive sales? - Economic Times, Jul 09, 2015,

"How to make the most of a small budget", Business Standard, 26 May, 2014

"Amul rejuvenates Amulya, shifts the focus to youth, Pitch, Aug 26, 2013

"One versus many", Business Standard, January 28, 2013

"Learn to stretch success" , Business Standard, December 10, 2012

"Sports to get kick from e-commerce" , Pitch Novemever 21, 2012

"Coffee World to invest Rs. 50 crore in expansion" , Pitch , July 27, 2012


Jaiswal, Anand K., Sarin Sharad and Patro, S. K. (2003). “Barista: Brewing a Coffee Revolution in India,” Decision, 30 (2), 177-198.

Jaiswal, Anand K. (2003). “WTO Agreement on SPS: Strategic Implications,” Economic & Political Weekly, XXXVIII (45), 4737-4742.

Jaiswal, Anand K. and Patro, S. K. (2003). “Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extensions: Evidence from India,” Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 1 (2), 170-178.

Jaiswal, Anand K. (2004). “EXQUAL: A Multiple Item Scale for Measuring Experiential Quality,” Drishtant, PRiSM Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow Journal of Marketing, Volume II, 50-58.

Jaiswal, Anand K. and Venugopal, P. (2008). “CavinKare Private Limited: Serving Low Income Consumers,” Asian Case Research Journal, 12 (1), 1-28 3 .

Jaiswal, Anand K. (2008). “Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality Measurement in Indian Call Centres,” Journal of Service Theory and Practice (formerly Managing Service Quality), 18 (4), 405-416. [ABDC-A]

Jaiswal, Anand K. (2008). “The Fortune at the Bottom or the Middle of the Pyramid?” Innovations 2 , 3 (1), 85-100.

Jaiswal, Anand K., Shrivastava, Arpita and Kothari, Dhwani (2009). “Dettol: Managing Brand Extensions,” Asian Case Research Journal, 13 (1), 105-143 1 .[ABDC-C]

Jaiswal, Anand K., Niraj, Rakesh and Venugopal, P. (2010) “Context-General and Context-Specific Determinants of Online Satisfaction and Loyalty for Commerce and Content Sites,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24 (3) 222-238. [ABDC-A]

Jaiswal, Anand K. and Niraj, Rakesh (2011). “Examining Mediating Role of Attitudinal Loyalty and Nonlinear Effects in Satisfaction-Behavioral Intentions Relationship,” Journal of Services Marketing, 25 (3) 165-175. [ABDC-A]

Angeli, Federica and Jaiswal, Anand K. (2013). “Competitive Dynamics between MNCs and Domestic Companies at the BoP: An Institutional Perspective,” Long Range Planning, 48 (3): 182-199. [ABDC-A]

Pandey, Neeraj and Jaiswal, Anand K. (2014). “Change Management: A Case of State Power Utility in India,” Asian Case Research Journal, 18 (1), 61-80.

Jaiswal, Anand K. and Gupta, Shruti (2015). “The Influence of Marketing on Consumption Behavior at the Bottom of the Pyramid,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 32 (2), 113-124. [ABDC-B]

Angeli, Federica and Jaiswal, Anand K. (2016). "Business Model Innovation for Inclusive Healthcare Delivery at the Bottom of the Pyramid," Organization & Environment, 29(4), 486-507. [ABDC-B]

Jaiswal, Anand K and Lemmink, Jos G.A.M (2017). Investigating a Comparative Evaluation Approach in Explaining Loyalty, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 35 (7), 937-954. [ABDC-A]

Černauskas, V., Angeli, F., Jaiswal, Anand K., and Pavlova, M. (2018). Underlying determinants of health provider choice in urban slums: results from a discrete choice experiment in Ahmedabad, India. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 473.

Sharma, Garima and Jaiswal, Anand K. (2018). Unsustainability of sustainability: Cognitive frames and tensions in bottom of the pyramid projects. Journal of Business Ethics, 148 (2), 291-307. [ABDC-A] [FT 50 Journal]

Angeli, F., Ishwardat, S. T., Jaiswal, Anand. K., & Capaldo, A. (2018). Socio-Cultural Sustainability of Private Healthcare Providers in an Indian Slum Setting: A Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Perspective. Sustainability, 10(12), 4702.

Jaiswal, Anand K., Niraj, R., Park, C. H., and Agarwal, M. K. (2018). Jaiswal, Anand K., Niraj, R., Park, C. H., and Agarwal, M. K Journal of Business Research, 92, 25-35. [ABDC-A]

Malodia, S, Shaphali, G. and Jaiswal, Anand K. (2019). Reverse innovation: A conceptual framework, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, [ABDC-A*, Academic Journal Guide 2018, AJG-4*, FT 50 Journal].

Parikh, A., Patel, J. D., & Jaiswal, Anand K. (2021). Managing job applications online: integrating website informativeness and compatibility in theory of planned behaviour and technology acceptance model. Decision, 48(1), 97-113.

Argade, A., Laha, A. K., & Jaiswal, Anand K. (2021). Connecting Smallholders’ Marketplace Decisions to Agricultural Market Reform Policy in India–An Empirical Exploration. Journal of Macromarketing. [ABDC-A]

Ali, S., Mathur, A. N., & Jaiswal, Anand K. (2021). Antecedents to firm performance during re-internationalization. Australian Journal of Management. [ABDC-A]

Angeli, F., Jaiswal, Anand K., & Shrivastava, S. (2022). Integrating poverty alleviation and environmental protection efforts: A socio-ecological perspective on menstrual health management. Social Science & Medicine, 314, 115427.

Argade, A., Laha, A. K., & Jaiswal, Anand. K. (2022). Electronic marketplaces under conditions of oligopsony and relational marketing–an empirical exploration of electronic agricultural markets in India. Electronic Markets, 32(3), 1541-1554. [ABDC-A]

Angmo, D., Aithal, R. K., & Jaiswal, Anand K. (2023). Reducing market separation through e-commerce: cases of Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) firms in India. Information Technology for Development, 1-21[ABDC-B].

Kaur, R., Pingle, S. & Jaiswal, Anand K. (2014). Effect of organisational culture on employer branding and resultant employee brand equity in the private banking sector

Shehzala., Jaiswal, Anand K., Vemireddy, V., & Angeli, F. (2024). Social media “stars” vs “the ordinary” me: Influencer marketing and the role of self-discrepancies,
perceived homophily, authenticity, self-acceptance and mindfulness. European Journal of Marketing [ABDC-A*].

Malodia, S, Shaphali, G. and Jaiswal, Anand K. (2019). Identifying the Antecedents, Consequences and Moderators of Reverse Innovations, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-019-00703-4

Černauskas, V., Angeli, F., Jaiswal, Anand K., and Pavlova, M. (2018). Underlying determinants of health provider choice in urban slums: results from a discrete choice experiment in Ahmedabad, India. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 473.

Angeli, F., Ishwardat, S. T., Jaiswal, A. K., & Capaldo, A. (2018). Socio-Cultural Sustainability of Private Healthcare Providers in an Indian Slum Setting: A Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Perspective. Sustainability, 10(12), 4702.

Sharma, Garima and Jaiswal, Anand K. (2018). Unsustainability of sustainability: Cognitive frames and tensions in bottom of the pyramid projects. Journal of Business Ethics, 148 (2), 291-307.

Jaiswal, Anand K., Niraj, R., Park, C. H., and Agarwal, M. K. (2018). The effect of relationship and transactional characteristics on customer retention in emerging online markets. Journal of Business Research, 92, 25-35.

Jaiswal, Anand K and Lemmink, Jos G.A.M (2017). Investigating a Comparative Evaluation Approach in Explaining Loyalty, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 35 (7), 937-954.

Angeli, Federica and Jaiswal, Anand K. (2016). "Business Model Innovation for Inclusive Healthcare Delivery at the Bottom of the Pyramid," Organization & Environment, 29(4), 486-507.

Investigating a Comparative Evaluation Approach in Explaining Loyalty, Marketing Intelligence & Planning,

Jaiswal, Anand K. and Gupta, Shruti (2015). "The Influence of Marketing on Consumption Behavior at the Bottom of the Pyramid," Journal of Consumer Marketing, 32 (2), 113-124.

Angeli, Federica and Jaiswal, Anand K. (2015). "Competitive Dynamics between MNCs and Domestic Companies at the BoP: An Institutional Perspective," Long Range Planning, 48 (3), 182-199.

Pandey, Neeraj and Jaiswal, Anand K. (2014). "Change Management: A Case of State Power Utility in India," Asian Case Research Journal, 18 (1), 61-80.

Anand K. Jaiswal and Rakesh Niraj (2011). "Examining Mediating Role of Attitudinal Loyalty and Nonlinear Effects in Satisfaction-Behavioral Intentions Relationship," Journal of Services Marketing, 25, 3 (2011), 165-175.

Anand K. Jaiswal, Rakesh Niraj and P. Venugopal (2010). "Context-General and Context-Specific Determinants of Online Satisfaction and Loyalty for Commerce and Content Sites," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24 (3) 222-238.

Anand K. Jaiswal, A. Shrivastava and D. Kothari (2009). "Dettol: Managing Brand Extensions," Asian Case Research Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1, 105–143. [This is among the Top 20 Most Read publications of Asian Case Research Journal, as on Aug 2014]

Anand K. Jaiswal and P. Venugopal (2008). "CavinKare Private Limited: Serving Low Income Consumers," Asian Case Research Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1-28. [This is among the Top 20 Most Cited publications of Asian Case Research Journal, as on Aug 2014]

Anand K. Jaiswal (2008). "Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality Measurement in Indian Call Centres," Managing Service Quality, Vol. 18, No. 4, 405-416.

Anand K. Jaiswal (2008). "The Fortune at the Bottom or the Middle of the Pyramid?" Innovations, Winter, 3 (1), 85-100. [This is among the Top 20 Most Cited Papers of Innovations, as on Aug 2014]. Innovations is an MIT Press journal, co-hosted at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs); the School of Public Policy, George Mason University; and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship).

Anand K. Jaiswal (2004). "EXQUAL: A Multiple Item Scale for Measuring Experiential Quality," Drishtant, PRiSM Indian Institute of Management Lucknow Journal of Marketing, Vol. II, 50-58.

Anand K. Jaiswal and S. K. Patro (2003). "Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extensions: Evidence from India," Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, Vol. 1 (2), 170-178.

Anand K. Jaiswal, S. Sarin and S. K. Patro (2003). "Barista: Brewing a Coffee Revolution in India – A Case Study," Decision, Vol. 30, No. 2, 177-198.

Anand K. Jaiswal (2003). "WTO Agreement on SPS: Strategic Implications," Economic & Political Weekly (EPW), Vol. XXXVIII, No. 45, 4737-4742.

Anand K. Jaiswal (2000). "Food Processing: A Challenge to Transform Inefficiencies into Opportunities," Indian Food Industry, Vol. 19, No.6, November-December, 385-390.

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Research/consulting projects/Assignments :

General Electric, Novo Nordisk, Novo Nordisk Region International Operations Sanofi Aventis, Oerlikon Textile India Private Limited, Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, UNICEF & Jharkhand Government.

Executive training /development programmes :

PepsiCo, Cummins India Limited, Novartis, Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Larsen & Toubro Limited (L&T), Life Insurance Company (LIC), Gorkha Breweries, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Fullerton.

Open Enrollment Programmes :

Advanced Data Analysis for Marketing Decisions, Advanced Analytics for Management, Business to Business (B2B) Marketing, Agricultural Input Marketing, International Business, 3TP: Emerging Leaders Programme.

Awards & Honors

2018 - Best Paper Award in Business Studies for the paper "Investigating the Determinants of Patients' Choice between Private and Public Hospitals among BOP Consumers"

2014 - Awarded Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing by Journal of Interactive Marketing in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the quality of the journal

2013 - Runner-up in the EFMD Case Writing Competition in Indian Management Issues and Opportunities category and also received a special 'Highly Commended' mention

2012 - Skolkovo Best Paper Finalist award for the paper "Competitive Dynamics between MNCs and Domestic Companies at the BoP

2012 - Nominated for the Gustavson School of Business Award for the ‘Best Qualitative Paper in International Business' for the paper "Competitive Dynamics between MNCs and Domestic Companies at the BoP

2011 - Distinguished young professor award for excellence in research

2011 - Best case award in the EFMD Case Writing Competition in the Indian Management Issues and Opportunities category

2011 - Selected for the First Biennial Sheth Emerging Scholars Faculty Consortium at Reims, France

2005 - First prize and an award for "Excellence in Management Writing" for the paper "A Structural Model of Determinants of Online Customer Satisfaction"

2004 - Best paper award for the paper "A Structural Model of Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce"

2004 - Second best paper award for the paper "EXQUAL: A Multiple Item Scale for Measuring Experiential Quality"

2004 - Marketing Science Doctoral Consortium Fellow, June, Rotterdam, Netherlands

2003 - Best paper in marketing award for the paper "Consumer Evaluations of Brand extension: Testing, Generalizing and Extending Aaker and Keller's Model in Indian context"