“Rewards, Resources, and Work-Life Balance”


“Rewards, Resources, and Work-Life Balance”

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Atul Mitra , Ph.D., (atul.mitra@uni.edu) is the Head and Professor of Management and Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company Professor at the University of Northern Iowa. His research has appeared in many leading academic journals and professional periodicals, including Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, Journal of Economic Psychology, The Journal of Total Rewards, and Compensation & Benefits Review. He has received numerous teaching and research awards as well as citations of excellence. His research on the meaning of pay raises has been considered one of the ten most important contributions in the field of reward systems by WorldatWork (the most influential association for the total rewards professionals). Until 2014 he served on the panel for the Fulbright Senior Specialist program for five years. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas.