Faculty & Research

Sachin Jayaswal


Primary Area : Operations and Decision Sciences


Email : sachin@iima.ac.in

Phone : +91-79-7152 4877

Secretary : Hiren Shah

Phone : +91-79-7152 7952

Website : Personal Website


B.Sc. - Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Bhagalpur College of Engineering, 2001 - (Gold Medal)

M.Tech, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, IIT Bombay, 2003

Ph.D, Management Sciences, University of Waterloo, Canada, 2009


Operations Research/Decision Making
Integer Programming
Large-Scale Optimization (Decomposition Techniques)
Game Theory

Operations Management
Operations Analytics
Logistics & Supply Chain Management


Teaching Experience

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India

  • Operations Management I (MBA Core)
  • Operations Management II (MBA Core)
  • Decision Analysis (MBA Core)
  • Preparatory Course in Mathematics (MBA Core)
  • Advanced Mathematical Modleing for Managerial Decisions (MBA Elective)
  • Modeling for Decisions (Executive MBA Core)
  • Operations Management (Online MBA Core)
  • Operations Analytics (PG Diploma in Advanced Business Analytics)
  • Integer Programming (PhD Elective)
  • Large Scale Optimization (PhD Electve)
  • Seminar in Operations Management (PhD Core)
  • Game Theory for Operations Management (PhD Elective) 

Indian Institute of Management Nagpur, India

  • Advanced Mathematical Modleing for Managerial Decisions (MBA Elective)

University of Waterloo, Canada

  • Production & Service Operations Management (UG Elective)

Research Area

Facility Location

Network Design

Large-Scale Optimization

Stochastic Optimization

Supply Chain Management

Operations - Marketing Interface

Operations - Marketing Interface: pricing, leadtime and capacity decisions

Product Differentiation/Price Discrimination

Current Research:

Facility Location Problems with Stochastic Demand and Congestion

Network Design/Flow

Large Scale Optimization (Decomposition Techniques)

Stochastic Optimization

Game Theoretic Models in Operations/Marketing

Operations-Marketing Interface: Pricing, Leadtime, Capacity Decisions

Academic Experience

Professor , Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India, June 2021–To date

Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India, July 2015–May 2021

Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India, June 2009–June 2015

Visiting Scholar , John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Canada, May–June 2016; May–July 2017; May-July 2018

Lecturer, Department of Management Sciences, University of Waterloo, Canada, Jan 2007–Dec 2008

Professional Experience

Senior Associate Editor, OPSEARCH, Jan 2021- April 2024

Editorial Advisory Board, Transportation Research Part E, Jan 2022 - date

Assistant Systems Engineer, Tata Consultancy Services, Mar 2003 - Aug 2004

Select Journal Publications

A. Gupta, S. Jayaswal, B. Mantin. 2024. Who benefits from supplier encroachment in the presence of
manufacturing cost learning? Production & Operations Management (forthcoming). PPT Slides.
- POMS-Nagesh Murthy Emerging Economies Doctoral Student Award (EEDSA), Asia Pacific
Region, 2022.
- Best Paper Award, XXV Annual International Conference, Society of Operations
Management, IIM Indore, 2022.

Jayaswal, S. and Sinha, A. 2024. Bilevel Optimization: Applications, Models and Solution Approaches.
In F. Hamid (ed.), Optimization Essentials: Theory, Tools, and Applications, International Series in
Operations Research & Management Science 353. AMPL codes available at
https://github.com/sachinjayaswal/Shortest-Path-Interdiction-AMPL , C++ codes available at

S. Bhatt, A. Sinha, S. Jayaswal. 2024. The capacitated r-hub interdiction problem with congestion:
Models and solution approaches. Transportation Research Part E, 185. Free access till 16 May, 2024.

Bansal, V., Jayaswal, S., Sinha, A. 2024. Capacitated multiple allocation hub location problems under
the risk of interdiction: model formulation and solution approaches. Annals of Operations Research,
332, 213-251.

Jayaswal, S. and Vidyarthi, N. 2023. Multiple Allocation Hub Location with Service Level Constraints
for Two Shipment Classes. European Journal of Operational Research, 309(2), 634-655.

Sinha, A., Das, A., Anand, G., Jayaswal, S. 2023. A General Purpose Exact Solution Method for Mixed Integer Concave Minimization Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 309(3), 977-992.

O. S. Patange, A. Garg, S. Jayaswal. 2022. An integrated bottom-up optimization to investigate the role of BECCS in transitioning towards a net-zero energy system: A case study from Gujarat, India. Energy, 255.

Y.K. Agarwal, Y.P. Aneja, S. Jayaswal. 2021. Directed fixed charge multicommodity network design: A cutting plane approach using polar duality. European Journal of Operational Research, 299(1), 118-136. Presentation Video.

S. D. Bhatt, S. Jayaswal, A. Sinha, N. Vidyarthi. 2021. Alternate second order conic program reformulations for hub location under stochastic demand and congestion. Annals of Operations Research, 304(1), 481-527.

R. Tiwari, S. Jayaswal, A. Sinha. 2021. Competitive hub location problem: Model and solution approaches. Transportation Research Part B, 146, 237-261.

R. Tiwari, S. Jayaswal, A. Sinha. 2021. Alternate solution approaches for competitive hub location problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 290(1), 68-80.

A. K. Vatsa, S. Jayaswal. 2021. Capacitated multi-period maximal covering location problem with server uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 289(3), 1107-1126.

P. Ramamoorthy, S. Jayaswal, A. Sinha and N. Vidyarthi. 2018. Multiple allocation hub interdiction and protection problems: model formulations and solution approaches. European Journal of Operational Research, 270(1), 230-245.

S. Jayaswal and N. Vidyarthi. 2017. Facility location under service level constraints for heterogeneous
customers. Annals of Operations Research, 253(1), 275-305.

N. Vidyarthi, S. Jayaswal and V.B. Tirumala Chetty. 2016. Bandwidth packing problem with queuing
delays: modeling and exact solution approach. Journal of Global Optimization, 65(4), 745-766.

S. Jayaswal and E. M. Jewkes. 2016. Price and leadtime differentiation, capacity strategy and market
competition. International Journal of Production Research, 54(9), 2791-2806.
- Winner (first prize), Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Student Paper Competition

S. Jayaswal, N. Vidyarthi and S. Das. 2016. A cutting plane approach to combinatorial bandwidth
packing problem with queuing delays. Optimization Letters, 11(1), 225-239.

A. K. Vatsa, S. Jayaswal. 2015. A new formulation and Benders decomposition for the multi-period
maximal covering facility location problem with server uncertainty. European Journal of Operational
Research, 251(2), 404-418.

N. Vidyarthi, S. Jayaswal. 2014. Efficient solution of a class of location-allocation problems with
stochastic demand and congestion.  Computers & Operations Research, 48, 20–30.

S. Jayaswal, P. Agarwal. 2014. Balancing u-shaped assembly lines with resource dependent task times:
a simulated annealing approach. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 33, 522–534.

S. Jayaswal, G.K. Adil. 2004. Efficient algorithm for cell formation with sequence data, machine
replications and alternative process routings. International Journal of Production Research, 42(12)

Sinha, A., Das, A., Anand, G. and Jayaswal, S., 2023. A General Purpose Exact Solution Method for Mixed Integer Concave Minimization Problems. European Journal of Operational Research. Free download available till 17 April 2023.

Jayaswal, S. and Vidyarthi, N., 2023. Multiple Allocation Hub Location with Service Level Constraints for Two Shipment Classes. European Journal of Operational Research. Free download available till 16 April 2023.

O. S. Patange, A. Garg, S. Jayaswal. 2022. An integrated bottom-up optimization to investigate the role of BECCS in transitioning towards a net-zero energy system: A case study from Gujarat, India. Energy, 255.

A. K. Vatsa, S. Jayaswal. 2021. Capacitated multi-period maximal covering location problem with server uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 289(3), 1107-1126.

R. Tiwari, S. Jayaswal, A. Sinha. 2021. Alternate solution approaches for competitive hub location problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 290(1), 68-80.

R. Tiwari, S. Jayaswal, A. Sinha. 2021. Competitive hub location problem: Model and solution approaches. Transportation Research Part B, 146, 237-261.

S. D. Bhatt, S. Jayaswal, A. Sinha, N. Vidyarthi. 2021. Alternate second order conic program reformulations for hub location under stochastic demand and congestion. Annals of Operations Research, 304(1), 481-527.

Y.K. Agarwal, Y.P. Aneja, S. Jayaswal. 2021. Directed fixed charge multicommodity network design: A cutting plane approach using polar duality. European Journal of Operational Research, 299(1), 118-136.

P. Ramamoorthy, S. Jayaswal, A. Sinha and N. Vidyarthi. 2018. Multiple allocation hub interdiction and protection problems: model formulations and solution approaches. European Journal of Operational Research, 270(1), 230-245.

S. Jayaswal and N. Vidyarthi. 2017. Facility location under service level constraints for heterogeneous customers. Annals of Operations Research, 253(1), 275-305.

S. Jayaswal, N. Vidyarthi and S. Das. 2016. A cutting plane approach to combinatorial bandwidth packing problem with queuing delays. Optimization Letters, 11(1), 225-239

S. Jayaswal and E. M. Jewkes. 2016. Price and leadtime differentiation, capacity strategy and market competition. International Journal of Production Research, 54(9), 2791-2806.

N. Vidyarthi, S. Jayaswal and V.B. Tirumala Chetty. 2016. Bandwidth packing problem with queuing delays: modeling and exact solution approach. Journal of Global Optimization, 65(4), 745-766.

A. K. Vatsa, S. Jayaswal. 2015. A new formulation and Benders decomposition for the multi-period maximal covering facility location problem with server uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 251 (2), 404-418.

S. Jayaswal and P. Agarwal. 2014. Balancing u-shaped assembly lines with resource dependent task times: A simulated annealing approach. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 33, 522–534.

N. Vidyarthi, S. Jayaswal. 2014. Efficient solution of a class of location-allocation problems with stochastic demand and congestion. Computers & Operations Research, 48, 20–30.

S. Jayaswal, E.M. Jewkes and S. Ray. 2011. Product differentiation & operations strategy in a capacitated environment. European Journal of Operational Research, 210 (3), 716–728.

Gupta, A., Jayaswal, S., & Mantin, B. (2024). Who Benefits From Supplier Encroachment in the Presence of Manufacturing Cost Learning? Production and Operations Management Presentation-Who Benefits from Supplier Encroachment in the Presence of Cost Learning.pdf

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Jayaswal, S. and Sinha, A. 2024. Bilevel Optimization: Applications, Models and Solution Approaches. In F. Hamid (ed.), Optimization Essentials: Theory, Tools, and Applications, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 353.

Academic Conferences

A cutting-plane-based method for solving fixed-charge transportation problems using new valid inequalities for single-node flow polytope. International Network Optimization Conference (INOC), March 11-13, 2024, University College Dublin, Ireland.

Who Benefits from Supplier Encroachment in the Presence of Manufacturing Cost Learning ? 8th Biennial Supply Chain Management Conference, Jan 05-06, 2024, IIM Bangalore, India.

Queueing model for an assemble-to-order manufacturing System - A Matrix Geometric Solution
Approach. Canadian Operational Research Society /Optimization Days Joint Conference, May 8–10,
2006, Montreal, Canada.

A matrix geometric model of an assemble-to-order system, CanQueue, Sept. 23–25, 2005, Hamilton,

An approach to designing focused plants-within-a-plant. International Conference on Operations
Research for Development, Dec 27–30, 2002, Chennai, India.

Who Benefits from Supplier Encroachment in the Presence of Manufacturing Cost Learning? POMS (Indian Chapter) Conference, Dec 03-06, 2023, XLRI, Jamshedpur, India.

A cutting-plane based approach for fixed-charge transportation problems. Transportation Science & Logistics Conference, July 23-26, 2023, Chicago, USA.

Hub interdiction problem: alternate solution approaches. Optimization Days, May 27-9, 2018. Montreal, Canada.

Hub-and-spoke network design under the risk of interdiction. Joint Optimization Days and Canadian Healthcare Optimization Workshop, May 8-11, 2017, Montreal, Canada.

Hub-and-spoke network design under the risk of interdiction. 15th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, July 12-14, 2017, Montreal, Canada.

Cross-dock door assignment problem under congestion. Optimization Days, May 2-4, 2016. Montreal, Canada.

Jayaswal, and N. Vidyarthi. Emergency medical service facilities location with service level constraints on patient priority classes. CORS/INFORMS joint international meeting, June 14-17, 2015, Montreal, Canada.

Location-allocation problems with stochastic demand and congestion. IIMA Society conference, June 26-27, 2015, Ahmedabad, India

Facility location under service level constraints for heterogeneous customers. ISB-POMS workshop, December 21-22, 2015, Hyderabad, India.

Jayaswal, and N. Vidyarthi. Emergency medical service facilities location with service level constraints on patient priority classes. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct 06-09, 2013, Minneapolis, Minnesotta, USA.

Jayaswal, and N. Vidyarthi. Capacitated multiple allocation hub location with service level constraints for multiple consignment classes. 20th conference of IFORS, July 13-18, 2014, Barcelona, Spain.

Jayaswal,E. M. Jewkes and S. Ray. Product differentiation & operations strategy in a capacitated environment. StochMod12, May 30–June 01, 2012, Paris, France.

Jayaswal,E. M. Jewkes and S. Ray. Product differentiation & operations strategy in a capacitated environment. POMS Annual Conference, May 1–4, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Jayaswal,E. M. Jewkes and S. Ray. Product differentiation & operations strategy for price and time sensitive markets. Conference of the Association of Asia-Pacific Operational Research Societies (APORS), Dec 6–9, 2009, Jaipur, India.

Jayaswal,E. M. Jewkes and S. Ray. Price and delivery time differentiation using shared capacity. Canadian Operational Research Society/Optimization Days Joint Conference, May 12–14, 2008.Quebec City, Canada.

Jayaswal,E. M. Jewkes and S. Ray. Effect of demand and supply interactions on price and delivery time differentiation. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct 12–15, 2008, Washington DC, USA.

Jayaswal and E. M. Jewkes. Optimization using matrix geometric and cutting plane methods. Optimization Day, April 23, 2007, University of Waterloo, Canada.

Jayaswal, E. M. Jewkes and S. Ray. Product pricing, lead time and capacity selection in price and time sensitive markets. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nov 4–7, 2007, Seattle, USA.

Jayaswal and E. M. Jewkes. Queueing model for an assemble-to-order manufacturing System - A Matrix Geometric Solution Approach. Canadian Operational Research Society /Optimization Days Joint Conference, May 8–10, 2006, Montreal, Canada.

Jayaswal and E. M. Jewkes. Exact performance measures for an assemble-to-order system. CanQueue, Sept. 14–16, 2006, Banff, Canada.

Jayaswal and E. M. Jewkes. A matrix geometric model of an assemble-to-order system, CanQueue, Sept. 23–25, 2005, Hamilton, Canada.

Jayaswal and G.K. Adil. An approach to designing focused plants-within-a-plant. International Conference on Operations Research for Development, Dec 27–30, 2002, Chennai, India.

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Academic Presentation

Panel discussion on “Innovative pedagogies for work-integrated learning”, International Conference on Work Integrated Learning (ICONWIL), BITS Pilani, Hyderabad, April 15-16, 2024.

Generalizations of the flow cover inequality for the single-node fixed-charge flow polytope. Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, April 02, 2024.

Old polytopes, new valid inequalities for cutting-plane methods. International Conference on Computations and Data Science, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, March 08, 2024.

A cutting-plane based approach for fixed-charge transportation problems. Research Seminar, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, October 17, 2023.

Summer School on Large Scale Optimization. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, April 01-09, 2023.

Optimization in Logistics. Amrut Mody School of Management, Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India, March 29, 2023.

Multicommodity network design problem: a cutting plane-based solution approach. Online faculty development program on “Optimization: The Omnipresent”, Department of Mathematics, Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi, India, February 09, 2022.

Planning for Crowd Management: Strategies and Arrangements. Webinar on Managing Crowd at Events and Venues of Mass Gathering, Gujarat Institute of Disaster Management, India, November 30, 2021.

Optimization in Logistics. Online short-term course on “Effective logistics for Sustainable Development”, NIT Jalandhar, India, August 13, 2020.

Summer School on Large Scale Optimization, Indian Institute of Management Indore, India, June 15- 22, 2019.

Exact solution of single allocation hub location problems. Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, June 04, 2019.

Facility location under service level constraints for heterogeneous customers. Mannheim Business School, Germany, July 17, 2018.

Exact solution of single allocation hub location problems. Indian Institute of Management Indore Brown Bag Seminar Series, India, December 18, 2018.

Exact solution of single allocation hub location problems. Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India, December 31, 2018.

Locating facilities to meet service levels. JDA Optimization Summit, Mumbai, April 06, 2016.

Locating facilities to meet service levels. DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada, June 06, 2016.

Emergency service medical facility location with service level constraints for patient priority classes. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Core Weekend, October 11, 2014.

Crowd management at religious places: Lessons from Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Study. Meeting of National Disaster Management Authority, New Delhi, October 10, 2011.

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CNG Distribution for Sabarmati Gas Limited, 2017

Position paper on Managing Crowd at Places of Mass Gathering for National Disaster Management Authority, Government of India, 2012-13

Crowd Management for Maa Vaishno Devi Shrine Board, 2010-11

Awards & Honors

2009 - Best Student Paper Award, Canadian Operational Research Society

2008 - Fraser Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Research, University of Waterloo

2008 - Honorable mention, Student Paper Competition, Canadian Operational Research Society

2007 - VP Academic & Provost Award, University of Waterloo

2004 - International Doctoral Student Award, University of Waterloo

2006 - Best Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Management Sciences, University of Waterloo

2005 - University of Waterloo Graduate Merit Scholarship

2001-2002 - Indian Institutes of Technology Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) Scholarship

2001 - University Gold Medal, Bachelor of Science (Engineering)