Faculty & Research

Vijay Paul Sharma


Sharma is a Professor in Centre for Management in Agriculture (CMA) at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA). He was Chairman, Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, for 5 years from June 2016 to May 2021. He has held several important positions at IIMA including Chairman, Centre for Management in Agriculture (CMA) for 5 years from 2005 to 2008 and 2010 to 2012 and Chairman, MBA in Food and Agribusiness Management (MBA-FABM) for 4 years from 2002 to 2004 and 2013 to 2015.

He is an eminent agribusiness management expert, agricultural economist and policy maker with more than three decades of rich and diverse experience. He has been deeply involved in agri-food policy formulation, analysis and advice.  His research and teaching interests are in the areas of economic, market and policy issues in food and agribusiness sector, agricultural price policy, role of infrastructure, institutions, technological and economic factors in making agricultural sector efficient and sustainable, food/nutritional security and rural development, etc.

He has been a consultant to many national and international organizations in agri-food, and development sector. He was International Consultant, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during 2015-16 and Advisor to the “USAID’s Economic Reforms Projects in Central Asian Countries” in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in 2005.

Prof. Sharma has been a Member/Chairman of several national and State level Committees. He was a Core Member, Ad-hoc Task Force (ATF) on Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System, Performance Management Division, Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India; Member, Advisory Committee, Reserve Bank of India - College of Agricultural Banking, Pune; Member, Board of Governing Council, Agricultural Skill Council of India (ASCI); Member, Advisory Group on Agriculture and Food Processing, Ministry of Finance; Mid-Term Review (MTR) Committee and Five Year Plan Working Groups on Agriculture and Allied Sectors, Planning Commission; Long-term Fertilizer Policy Committee; Empowered Committee on Agri-Infrastructure Development, etc.

Prof. Sharma has about 10 books to his credit on Indian agri-food sector, besides over 150 publications, which include research papers in national and international journals, working papers, lead/keynote papers in national/international conferences/seminars/workshops, etc.

  • Verma, Sangeeta, P. C. Bodh, Vijay Paul Sharma, Parmod Kumar, Nilabja Ghosh, D K Grover and Usha Tuteja (Eds.). 2018. Glimpses of Indian Agriculture. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

  • Sharma, Vijay Paul and Harsh Wardhan (2017), “Marketed and Marketable Surplus of Major Foodgrains in India”, Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd, Delhi.

  • Sharma, Vijay Paul (2017), “Oilseed Production in India: The Problems and Prospects”, Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd, Delhi.

  • Sharma, Vijay Paul, Bill Vorley, Abid Suleri, Larry Digal and Jikun Huang (2013), “Linking Smallholder Producers to Modern Agri-Food Markets: Case Studies from South and South-East Asia”, Allied Publishers, New Delhi.

  • Sharma, Vijay Paul and Hrima Thakker (2011), “Economic Policy Reforms and Indian Fertilizer Industry” Allied Publishers, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

  • Sharma, Vijay Paul, Saradendu Patnaik and Hiren Tilala (2007), "Edible Oilseeds and Oils Economy of India" Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

  • Sharma, Vijay Paul and Pritee Sharma (2002), "Trade Liberalization and Indian Dairy Industry" Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

  • Chawla, N.K., MPG Kurup and Vijay Paul Sharma (2004), “State of the Indian Farmer (Animal Husbandry): A Millennium Study” New Delhi: Academic Foundation, New Delhi.


Primary Area : Centre for Management in Agriculture


Email : vijays@iima.ac.in

Phone : +91-79-7152 4946

Secretary : Shoebmohemed Chobdar

Phone : +91-79-7152 7925

Research Area

Research and consulting interests focus on agricultural and food policies, international trade issues including the World Trade Organization (WTO), agribusiness competitiveness and strategic planning, pricing policy, subsidies, rural infrastructure, and food safety and quality issues. Teaches courses on Agricultural and Food Policy, International Trade and Commodity Trading and Risk Management.

Currently involved in studies on issues related to subsidies in Indian agriculture, linking small-scale producers to markets, implications of the WTO for Indian agriculture, agri-market reforms, commodity markets and livestock sector policy analysis.

Today the role of fertilizer subsidies is again an important issue in agricultural policy debate. There is a general view in academic, policy and political circles that subsidies are concentrated geographically, they are concentrated on relatively few crops and few producers and in many cases do not reach the targeted group(s). One of the most contentious issues surrounding fertilizer subsidy in India is how much of what is paid out actually finds its way into the pocket of the farmer, and how much is siphoned away by the input companies. In order to address some these issues, we recently completed a Study on Indian Fertilizer Sector. The study provides a comprehensive overview of growth of Indian fertilizer sector and analyzes trends and patterns in consumption of fertilizers at all-India, regional, state and district level. Various issues related to imbalance in fertilizer use and pattern of fertilizer use by farm size and crops have been studied. Macro aspects of India fertilizer sector policy environment, fertilizers price policy objectives, relations between fertilizers prices and consumption over-time, and economics of fertilizer use have analyzed. The extent, nature and causes of fertilizers subsidies, as well as issues related to equity in distribution of fertilizer subsidy have been addressed.

Completed a study on issues related to "Inclusion of Small-Scale Producers in Dynamic Local and Regional Agri-Food Markets". The focus of the research program is on the restructuring of dynamic national and regional Agri-food industries, and the effects that this market restructuring is having on small-scale farmers and implications for local rural economies including local labourers. The program emphasizes analysis of all three segments of the food industry (retail, processing, and wholesaling), as they are intimately connected, in particular in the cases of fresh produce and processed products. The work has two overarching objectives: (i) to inform, with facts and recommendations for practical action, public sector policy and private sector strategies; (ii) to build local capacity to continue to inform the policy debate and process.

Selected Publications

Sharma, Vijay Paul, Bill Vorley, Abid Suleri, Larry Digal and Jikun Huang (2013), "Linking Smallholder Producers to Modern Agri-Food Markets: Case Studies from South and South-East Asia", Allied Publishers, New Delhi.

Sharma, Vijay Paul and Hrima Thaker (2011), "Demand for Fertilizers in India: Determinants and Outlook for 2020", Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 66, No. 4, Oct.-Dec., pp. 638-661.

Sharma, Vijay Paul (2012), "Agricultural Development under the New economic Regime: Policy Perspective and Strategy for the 12th Five Year Plan", Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 46-78.

Sharma, Vijay Paul (2012), "Accelerating Agricultural Development for Inclusive Growth: Strategic Issues and Policy Options", Vikalapa: The Journal of Decision Makers, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 1-17.

Sharma, Vijay Paul and Hrima Thaker (2011), "Economic Policy Reforms and Indian Fertilizer Industry", Allied Publishers, New Delhi. Sharma, Vijay Paul (2008), "India's Agrarian Crisis and Corporate-Led Contract Farming: Socio-economic Implications for Smallholder Producers", International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol. 11, No. 4, Nov. 2008, pp. 25-48.

Desai, Bhupat M., Errol D'Souza, John W. Mellor, Vijay Paul Sharma, and Prabhakar Tamboli (2011), "Agricultural Policy Strategy, Instruments, and Implementation: A Review and Road Ahead", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLVI, No 53, December 31, 2011, pp. 42-50.

Sharma, Vijay Paul and Hrima Thaker (2010), "Fertiliser Subsidy in India: Who are the Beneficiaries?", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. VLV, No. 12, March 20, 2010, pp. 68-76.

Delgado, Christopher L., Vijay Paul Sharma, et. al. (2008), "Determinants and Implications of Growing Scale of Livestock Farms in Four fast-Growing Countries", Research Report 157, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C.

Jharwal, S.M., R S Deshpande, Vijay Paul Sharma, RPS Mailk, Brajesh Jha and S A Ansari (2008), "Glimpses of Indian Agriculture: Macro- and Micro Aspects", Academic Foundation, New Delhi.

Sharma, Vijay Paul, Saradendu Patnaik and Hiren Tilala (2007), "Edible Oils and Oilseeds Economy of India", Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Chawla, N.K., MPG Kurup and Vijay Paul Sharma (2004), "State of the Indian Farmer (Animal Husbandry): A Millennium Study" New Delhi: Academic Foundation and Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi.

Sharma, Vijay Paul (2004), "WTO and Smallholder Welfare: Implications for Dairy and Meat Producers in Asia", in Vinod Ahuja (Ed.) "Livestock and Livelihoods: Challenges and Opportunities for Asia in the Emerging Market Environment", National Dairy Development Board, Anand and Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Facility (South Asia Hub), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, pp. 165-82.

Sharma, Vijay Paul (2004), "International Trade in Dairy Products: Current Status and Emerging Issues", Keynote Address at the 33rd Dairy Industry Conference, Organized by the Indian Dairy Association, New Delhi, September 26-28, 2004.

Sharma, Vijay Paul (2004), "Livestock Economy of India: Current Status, Emerging Issues and Long Term Prospects", Keynote Paper, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 59, No. 3, July-September 2004.

Sharma, Vijay Paul, Christopher L. Delgado, Steve Staal and Raj Vir Singh (2003), "Policy, Technical, and Environmental Determinants and Implications of the Scaling Up of Milk Production in India", IIMA-IFPRI Collaborative Project Report submitted to Livestock Environment and Development (LEAD) initiative, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome.

Sharma, Vijay Paul and Pritee Sharma (2002), "Trade Liberalization and Indian Dairy Industry" Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

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Working Papers & Projects

High Value Agriculture in India: Past Trends and Future Prospects 678631189High Value Agri. Working Paper58d2.pdf

Other Publications

Linking Smallholder Producers to Modern Agri-Food Markets image_gallery1418.pdf

Agricultural Commercialization for Inclusive Growth in South Asia 669717325Briefing Paper - Managing agricultural commercialisationb9bb.pdf

Accelerating Agricultural Development for Inclusive Growth 161638648Vikalapa Paper 2011a0ef.pdf

Economic Reforms and Indian Fertiliser Industry vijaypdf489d6.pdf

Trade Liberalization, Market Reforms and Competitiveness of Indian Dairy Sector vijaypdf359f7.pdf

Indias Agrarain Crisis and Corprate-Led Contract Farming vijaypdf276ad.pdf

Fertiliser Subsidy in India: Who are the Beneficia vijaypdf1144e.pdf

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Teaching Area

Agro-food Value Chain Management and Development