Faculty & Research

Sukhpal Singh


Dr. Sukhpal Singh is Professor and Former Chairperson, Centre for Management in Agriculture (CMA), Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Former Director General, Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID) Chandigarh, and Former Professor and Head, Agricultural Economic Research Unit (AERU), Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), New Delhi. He has earned his Ph D from ISEC Bangalore (Bangalore University) and M Phil from CDS (JNU New Delhi).

He is founding co-editor, Millennial Asia-an intl. journal of Asian studies published by Sage.

He has 14 books and more than 150 research papers in international/national journals/edited books, besides 70 articles in newspapers and magazines. The latest books are:

  • Reverse Subsidies in Global Monopsony Capitalism, CUP, 2022 (co-authored).
  • Covid-19 Pandemic and Economic Development- Emerging public policy lessons for Indian Punjab, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 (co-edited).
  • Institutional Innovations in the Delivery of Farm Services in India: A smallholder perspective, 2018, Springer, Singapore

He is on the boards of many non-profits and academic bodies working in the agri and rural and social space

He was a visiting fellow at the IDS, Sussex (the UK), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (Thailand), the University of Manchester (the UK); and the Copenhagen Business School (Denmark).

He has been a member of various committees/working groups of the Planning Commission of India/NITI Aayog, the National Development Council, the Food Safety Standards Authority of India, and the EC of the Mission on Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) and committee on warehousing. He was a member of the standing working group on agri and allied sectors of Chhattisgarh State Planning Commission, and the Committee for FPO policy for Punjab and Committee on MSP and other mechanisms for farmers in Chhattisgarh.

Was Invited/Selected as one of the Lead Authors of the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) of the World Bank, for the East and South Asia and the Pacific (ESAP) region, 2006-07 and participated in the ESAP region meetings at Penang (Malaysia), Bangkok (Thailand), and Cape Town (South Africa) to write chapter 3 on trade and development during 2006-2007.

Panellist on NDTV channels (NDTV India, NDTV Profit) on FDI in Retail debate on November 28 and 30, 2011 and then on NDTV India on 2020 union farming Acts and on DD Kisan TV channel in 2020/21.

Interviews in Frontline and Down to Earth magazines on contract farming, 2013.


Primary Area : Centre for Management in Agriculture


Email : sukhpal@iima.ac.in

Phone : +91 79 7152 4855

Secretary : Harshadkumar Parmar

Phone : +91-79-7152 7771

Website : Personal Website


  • Marketing of Agricultural Inputs
  • Rural Marketing and Agro-food Marketing Management
  • Vertical Co-ordination in Agribusiness including contract farming and franchising
  • Farmer collectives like farmer producer companies
  • Agro-food Value Chain Development and Management
  • Agricultural Development Policy
  • Agricultural and Food policy
  • Global economic environment for agribusiness including the WTO


The (Repealed) Union Contract Farming Act, 2020: Corporatising Indian Agriculture, EPW, 57(2), January 8, 2022.

Punjab Agriculture: Pinning hopes on private sector for revival, EPW, January, 2021.

Global value chains and intermediaries in multi-stakeholder initiatives in Pakistan and India, Development and Change, 2021.

Role of contract farming in crop diversification and employment generation: Empirical evidence from Indian Punjab, Millennial Asia, 2021 (co-authored)

Doubling Farmers’ Incomes: A Critical Review of Policy, Review of Agrarian Studies, 2020.

Fair Trade and sustainable rural development: case studies on the role of producer companies in India, Food chain, 2020 (co-authored)

Contract Farming for Agrarian Transformation? Experiences from Punjab in the Context of Union Contract Farming Act, 2020, Journal of Sikh and Punjab Studies, 29(1&2), 2021.

Community and collective organisations for sustainable agricultural development in India: Experience, Challenges, and Policy, IJAE, Jan-March, 2019.

The value chain of export baby corn in India: governance, inclusion and upgrading, Agrarian South-Journal of Political Economy, 8(1-2), 2019.

Re-organising Agricultural Markets for Doubling Farmer Incomes in India: Relevance, Mechanisms, and Role of Policy, IJAE, Conf Issue, July-Sept, 2019.

Doubling Farmers’ Income-Mechanisms and Challenges, EPW, 53(7), Feb 17, 2018.

Promoting and managing FPOs in India for efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability: Challenges, Policies and Best Practices, Co-operative Perspective, spl issue, September, 2018.

Land and Livelihoods in Rural India: Does farm size matter? IJAM, 32(3), 2018.

Food value chain investments and the small farmer linkage: Indian experience, potential and policy, World Food Policy, 4(2), Spring, 2018, 79-100.

Reforming Agricultural markets in India: A tale of two model Acts, EPW, 53(51), 2018.

Tenancy Reforms: A Critique of NITI Aayog’s Model Law, EPW, 52, Jan., 2017.

Addressing the Agrarian Crisis in Punjab: Role of Agro-markets and Policy, EPW, 52(3), 21 Jan, 2017.

Gendered BoP hygiene markets in rural India: Learning from A Case of Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, Hong Kong Journal of Social Work 51(1/2), 2017.

How Inclusive and Effective are Farm Machinery Rental Services in India? Case Studies from Punjab', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72(3), July-Sept, 2017.

Replicating Small Farms, Prosperous Farmers in India: Lessons for Policy and Practice, Journal of Agribusiness Marketing, 8, 2017, 1-13.

“Land Acquisition in India: An Examination of the 2013 Act and options”, Journal of Land and Rural Studies, 4(1), 2016.

Seeking markets in production fields: an assessment of the potential of fair trade in India, Millennial Asia, 7(2), Oct, 2016.

“Institutional Innovations for Smallholder Development: A Case Study of Agri-Franchising in Bihar”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, July- September, 2016.

" Fresh Food Supermarkets in the Indian Punjab: Organisation and Impacts”, Journal of Punjab Studies, 21(1), 2015 (jointly with others).

“Linking small farmers to new markets in India- a case study of fresh food retail chains in Karnataka”, Indian journal of Agricultural Marketing, 28(1), 2014 (co-authored).

“Post- Green Revolution Agro Entrepreneurship among Capitalist Farmers in Indian Punjab and Andhra Pradesh, The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 22(2), 2013.

“South Asian Agrifood Trade Networks in India: A Case Study of Onion Exports”, Millennial Asia-An intl. jrl of Asian Studies, 4 (2), 2013.

“The practice of contract farming in India: making it inclusive and effective”, Food Chain, 3(3), October 2013,

“New Markets for Smallholders in India: Exclusion, Policy and Mechanisms”, Economic and Political Weekly, 47(52), 95-105, December 29, 2012, Review of Rural Affairs.

Role of FDI in multi-brand retail trade in India and its implications, Review of Market Integration, 4(3), 2012.

Land, Livelihoods and State in India: Issues and Challenges, Anvesak, 42(1&2), Jan-Dec. 2012, 161-176.

“Inclusive Fresh Food Retail Chains in India: Case Studies of HOPCOM and Safal”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 24 (1), 2011 (co-authored)

“Emerging agricultural marketing practices in India: a case study of a fresh food retail chain in Punjab”, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 24(1), 2011 (co-authored).

Institutional and policy aspects of Punjab Agriculture: a smallholder perspective”, Economic and Political Weekly, 47(4), January 28, 2011, 51-57, Review of Rural Affairs.

“Fresh Food supermarkets in India: an analysis of their inclusiveness and impact on primary producers, Millennial Asia- an intl. journal of Asian studies, 2(1), 2011, 65-91 (co-authored).

“Supply Chains for High Value Crops: A case study of mint in Punjab”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 23(1), 2009, 93-103.

“Food security, commercialization of Indian agriculture, and technological options” in eSS Occasional Papers 1(1), May-June 2008, published online at esocialsciences.com/essjournals/issuesmain.

“Gender and Child Labour in Cottonseed Production in India: A case study of Gujarat”, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 51(3), 2008, 445-458.

Marketing of Liquid Milk- A Case Study of Ahmedabad Milk Market”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 62(3), July-Sept. 2007.

“Contract farming: theory and practice in the 21st century”, Stewart Postharvest Review, 3 (11), 2007,1-6.

“Contract Farming System in Thailand”, Economic and Political Weekly, 40(53), December 31, 2005.

“Leveraging ICTs for Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development in India”, Punjab Journal of Business Studies, 1(2), October-March. 2005-06.

“Contract Farming for Agricultural Development and Diversification in Punjab: Problems and Prospects”, Journal of Punjab Studies, 12(2), Fall, 2005.

“Global Value (Supermarket) Chains and Small Producers: Governance, Participation and Strategies”, Asia Pacific Business Review, 1(2), July-December, 2005.

“Organic Cotton Supply Chains and Small Producers: Governance, Participation and Strategies”, Economic and Political Weekly, 41(42), December 30, 2006.

“Leveraging ICTs for Agricultural Development: A case study of e-choupals of ITC”, Paradigm, 8(1), Jan-June, 2004.

“Role of State in Contract Farming in Thailand and India: Experiences and Lessons for Indian Agribusiness Policy”, Amity Business Review, 6(1), Jan-June, 2005.

“Role of State in Contract Farming in Thailand and India: Experiences and Lessons for Indian Agribusiness Policy”, Amity Business Review, 6(1), Jan-June, 2005.

“Changing Dimensions of Agricultural Marketing and Small Farmers in India: From Regulated Markets to Vertical Co-ordination”, Artha-Vikas, 41(2), July-Dec., 2005.

“Agrarian crisis, agricultural labour and the state: A case study of Punjab”, Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy, 17(1), Jan-Jun, 2005 (co-authored).

“Role of the State in Contract Farming in Thailand: Experience and Lessons”, ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 22(2), August 2005. (now Journal of Southeast Asian Economies from 2013).

“Value Addition by Co-operatives: ‘Alu’ in Thailand”, Case Folio, 3(3), March, 2003.

Deceleration of Economic Growth in Punjab: Evidence, Explanation and a Way-Out”, Economic and Political Weekly, 37(6), February 9, 2002 (co-authored).

“Economic Liberalisation, Multinational Agribusinesses and Rural Employment in Punjab”, Indian Management Studies Journal, 6(1), April, 2002.

“Contracting Out Solutions: Political Economy of Contract Farming in the Indian Punjab”, World Development, 30(9), September, 2002.

“Food Security and Sustainability under the Internationalisation of Agriculture: Some Reflections and Scope for Action with reference to India”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, 8(2), December 1998.

"International Marketing of Agro-food Products by Developing Country Firms: Some Conceptual Issues", Agribusi­ness - An International Journal, 12 (1), Jan.-Feb. 1996.

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Reverse Subsidies in Global Monopsony Capitalism, CUP, 2022 (co-authored).

Covid-19 Pandemic and Economic Development- Emerging public policy lessons for Indian Punjab, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 (co-edited).

Institutional Innovations in the Delivery of Farm Services in India: A smallholder perspective, 2018, Springer, Singapore

Producer companies in India: Organisation and performance, Allied, New Delhi (co-authored), 2014 .

Fresh Food Retail Chains in India- organisation and impacts, Allied, New Delhi, 2011 (co-authored).

Agricultural Machinery Industry in India- growth, structure, marketing, and buyer behaviour, Allied, New Delhi, 2010

Organic Produce Supply Chains in India-organisation and governance, Allied, New Delhi, 2009.

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Edited Books

Ownership Versus Control: The Changing Dynamics of Land Use in Liberalised Agricultural Context of India. In: D Mishra and P Nayak (eds): Land and Livelihoods in Neoliberal India. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore

Institutional innovations for inclusive agricultural development, A case of franchising in India, in L Singh and A Gill (eds.): Agriculture innovation system in Asia- Towards inclusive rural development, Routledge, London, 2020.

Competing for Space and Making a Difference? An Assessment of Sustainability Standards in the Indian Cotton Sector, in Arora B et al (eds.): Business Responsibility and Sustainability in India, Springer Nature (Palgrave Macmillan), 2019, May, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-13716-8_6.

Agricultural Machinery Industry in India: A study of growth, structure, marketing, and buyer behaviour, in V P Sharma et al (eds.): Glimpses of Indian Agriculture, OUP, and MoAFW, New Delhi, 2018, 265-273.

Fresh food supermarket retailing and supply chains in India: Impact on small primary vegetable producers and traditional fruit and vegetable retailers, in V P Sharma et al (eds.): Glimpses of Indian Agriculture, OUP, and MoAFW, New Delhi, 2018, 304-313 (co-authored).

Producer companies in India: A study of Organisation and performance, in V P Sharma et al (eds.): Glimpses of Indian Agriculture, OUP, and MoAFW, New Delhi, 2018, 343-355 (co-authored).

White Gold" for Whom? A study of Institutional Aspects of Work and Wages in Cotton GPNs in India, in E Noronha and P D'Cruz (eds.): Critical Perspectives on Work and employment in Globalising India, Chapter 2, pp. 15-36. 2017, Springer, Singapore.

Institutional Innovations in Paddy Rice Production and Marketing in India: Experience and Strategies Samarendu Mohanthy et al (eds.): The Future Rice Strategy for India, 335-357, Elsevier, London, 2017.

Understanding the role and implications of FDI in Agri-food markets from a value chain perspective: case of Multi-brand retail trade (MBRT) FDI in India in Dinesh Marothia et al (eds.): Re-visiting agricultural policies in the light of globalisation experience: The Indian Context, ISAE, Mumbai, 2017, pp. 126-144.

Inclusive fresh food retail chains in India: a case study from Punjab, in N C Rao, R Radhakrishna, R K Mishra and V R Katta (eds.): Organised Retailing and Agribusiness-implications of new supply chains on the Indian farm economy, Springer, 2016, chap 12 (jointly with others).

Sustainability issues in Indian Agriculture: An examination of the role of corporate social responsibility v/s 3P business models, in R S Ghuman and R Sharma (eds.): Corporate Social Responsibility in India: Quest for socio-economic transformation, CRRID, Chandigarh, 2016, Chapter 2, pp. 31-56.

Inclusive Food Value Chains in India: Evidence and Drivers, in Ramasamy C and K.R. Ashok (eds.): Vicissitudes of Indian Agriculture in a Growing Economy: Challenges, Strategies and the Way Forward, Academic Foundation, New Delhi. 2016 (A platinum jubilee special volume of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics).

Rethinking Diversification of Agriculture in the Indian Punjab: An Examination of Strategy and Mechanisms in L Singh and N Singh (eds.): Economic Transformation of a developing economy: The experience of Punjab, India, Springer, 2016, Chapter 4, 77-96.

Fresh Produce Markets, Standards, and Dynamics of Labour: Grapes in India, in Dev Nathan, Meenu Tewari and Sandip Sarkar (eds.) Labour in Global Value Chains in Asia, CUP, 2016, Chapter 5, 91-115, Forthcoming.

Smallholder Organisation through Farmer (Producer) Companies for Modern Markets: Experiences of Sri Lanka and India, in Jos Bijman, Roldan Muradian and Jur Schuurman, (eds.): Cooperatives, Economic Democratization and Rural Development, 75-99, Chapter 4, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK), 2016.

Promoting small farmer market access in Asia: Issues, Experiences and Mechanisms, in Peter B, R Hazell and A Rahman (eds.): New Directions for Smallholder Agriculture, OUP, 2014, Chapter 7.

Vertical Co-ordination in Agribusiness in India: Making contract farming work for small producers, in N Ghosh and C S C Sekhar (eds.): The Future of Indian Agriculture- Technology and Institutions, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2013.

Linking Small Horticultural Producers with Markets: Indian Experience and Lessons, in E W Hewett et al (ed.): Proceedings of the Intl. Symposium on Postharvest Pacifica, Acta Horticulturae No. 880, ISHS, Belgium, 2009, 75-82.

Institutional Mechanisms in Punjab’s Agricultural Sector: A smallholder Perspective, in H S Shergill and S Gill (eds.): Understanding North-West Indian Economy, Serial Publications, New Delhi, 2011, 140-164.

Public-Private Partnerships for Agribusiness Development in Thailand and India: Experience, Issues, and Strategies, in C A da Silva and N Mhlanga (eds.): Innovative Policies and Institutions to Support of Agro-industries Development, FAO, Rome, 2011; Chapter 3; 41-62.

Farming Crisis and Farmer Suicides in Punjab: An Examination of Institutional Dimensions, in Balbir Singh (ed.): Punjab Economy- Challenges and Strategies, Twenty First Century, Patiala, 2006. Also published in B P Singh (ed.): Punjab Peasantry in Turmoil, Manohar, New Delhi, 2010.

Linking Small Primary Producers with Markets through Fresh Food Retail Chains in India: How Inclusive and How Effective?, in Ghuman R S, Surjit Singh and J S Brar (eds.): Globalisation and Change-Perspectives from Punjab (Essays in honour of Prof. SS Gill), Rawat, Jaipur, 2010, 275-302 (co-authored).

High Value Crops and Gujarat’s Agricultural Growth: Cases of Castor and Psyllium (Isabgol), in R H Dholakia and S K Datta (eds.): High Trajectory of Growth and Structural Changes in Gujarat Agriculture, Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, March, 2010, 63-88.

Global agribusiness value chains, small producers and workers in India: Governance, upgrading opportunities, policies, and strategies, in Anne Posthuma and Dev Nathan (eds.): Labour in Global Production Networks in India, OUP, New Delhi, 2010, 190-211.

Globalisation and Sustainability Issues in Agriculture in Asia- A Case of India, in S Gill, L Singh and R Marwah (eds.): Economic and Environmental Sustainability of the Asian Region, Routledge, New Delhi, 2010, 23-44.

Spencer’s Retail (case study 4) in M. Harper (2010): Inclusive Value Chains-A pathway out of poverty, World Scientific, Singapore, 81-93.

Influence of Trade Regimes and Agreements on AKST (Chapter 3) in ‘Agriculture at a Crossroads – International assessment of agricultural knowledge, science and technology for development’, Vol. II, East and South Asia & the Pacific, Island Press, Washington, 2009, 62-111 (one of the two lead authors).

Contract Farming for Agricultural and Rural Development, in A S Dhesi and G Singh (eds.): Rural Development in Punjab- A Success Story Going Astray, Routledge, New Delhi and London, 2008.

Contract Farming for Agricultural Development: Review of Theory and Practice with Special Reference to India, in S K Bhaumik (ed.): Reforming Indian Agriculture: Towards Employment Generation and Poverty Reduction", Sage, New Delhi, Chapter 8, 165-195, 2008.

Marketing channels and their implications for smallholder farmers in India, in McCullough, E.B., Pingali, P.L. and Stamoulis, K.G (eds.): The Transformation of Agri-food Systems: Globalization, Supply Chains, and Smallholder Farmers, FAO, Rome and Earthscan Press, London, 2008, 279-310.

Understanding Practice of Contract Farming in India- A small producer perspective, in A Gulati, P K Joshi and M Landes (eds.): Contract Farming in India: A Resource Book, ICAR, IFPRI and USDA, 2008, available at icar.org.in.

Leveraging Contract farming for Improving Supply Chain Efficiency in India: Some Innovative and Successful Models, in PJ Batt (ed.): Proceedings of the Second Intl. Symposium on Improving the Performance of Supply Chains in the Transition Economies, Acta Horticulturae No. 794, ISHS, Belgium, August 2008, 317-323. Also published at

Rural Poverty, Local Democratic Institutions and Sustainable Development in India under Globalisation: Issues and Strategies, in T M Joseph (ed.): Local Governance in India: Ideas, Challenges and Strategies, Concept, New Delhi, 2007.

Agro-processing Industry and Agricultural Development: New Vistas in Indian Agribusiness, in V. Ballabh (ed.): Institutional Alternatives and Governance in Agriculture, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2007.

Contract Farming for Agricultural Development in Gujarat: Evidence and Issues, in R H Dholakia (ed.): Frontiers of Agricultural Development in Gujarat, IIMA, 2007.

Corporate Farming in India: Is it the answer to overcoming competitive disadvantage?, in C Tisdell (ed.): Poverty, Poverty Alleviation and Social Disadvantage- Analysis, Case Studies, and Policies, Serials Publications, New Delhi, 2007, 368-378.

Changing Structure and Organisation of Agriculture and Difficulties facing Small Farmers in India, in C Tisdell (ed.): Poverty, Poverty Alleviation and Social Disadvantage- Analysis, Case Studies, and Policies, Serials Publications, New Delhi, 2007, 330-366.

Marketing of Organic Food products in India: experience, issues and strategies, in M K Menon, T Eisenring and S Annadana (eds.): Indian Organic Agribusiness @ Threshold of Growth, ICCOA, Bangalore, 2007.

Reaching the Rural Poor under Globalisation and Structural Adjustment Regimes in India: The Institutional Dimensions, in Indian Economic Association Conference (86th) Volume of the Millennium, 2003, IEA, Calcutta. Also published in Sakarama Somayaji and Ganesha Somayaji (eds.): Sociology of Globalisation – Perspectives from India, Rawat Publications, Jaipur/New Delhi, 2006, 220 -233.

Horticultural Supply Chains and Small Producers in South Asia: Governance, Participation, and Strategies, in P J Batt and N Jayamangkala (eds.): ISHS Acta Horticulturae, 699: 1 International Symposium on Improving the Performance of Supply Chains in the Transitional Economies, ISHS, Leuven, Belgium, 2006.

Institutional Alternatives for Agricultural Development in India under Globalisation, in B S Kantawala and T R Bishnoi (eds.): Markets and Institutions- India’s Experience during Nineties, Wisdom Publications, Delhi, 2006.

Leveraging ICTs for Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development in India, in Sailabala Debi and V B Annigeri (eds.): Sustainable Development and the Indian Economy: Issues and Challenges, Serials, New Delhi, 2006.

Role of State in Contract Farming in Thailand and India: Experiences and Lessons for Indian Agribusiness Policy, in Proceedings of the ASIA Fellows Conference in South Asia titled ‘Comparative Perspectives on Asian Development – A View from South Asia’, edited by Reena Marwah, New Delhi, 2005.

Dynamics of Rural Timber Industry, in Rohini Nayyar and Alakh N Sharma (eds.): Rural Transformation in India –The Role of Non-farm Sector, Institute of Human Development, New Delhi, 2005 (co-authored).

Rural Poverty, Globalisation and Structural Adjustment, in SN Mishra (rd.): Poverty and its Alleviation, Deep & Deep, New Delhi, 2005.

Changing Structure and Organisation of Agriculture and Small Farmers in India, in R Prasad and G Rajanikanth (eds.): Rural Development and Social Change - NIRD Foundation Day series Vol. 1, Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi, 2005, 381-407.

Value Addition in Indian Agriculture – Institutional Challenges and Opportunities, in N J Rao (ed.): Indian Agriculture–Issues and Perspectives, ICFAI Press, Hyderabad, 2005.

Institutional Alternatives for Agricultural Development under Globalisation: A comparative Perspective and Issues, in J Sulaiman et al (eds.): New Challenges Facing Asian Agriculture under Globalisation, Vol. 1, Malaysian Agricultural Economics Association (MAEA) and Asian Society of Agricultural Economists (ASAE), 2005.

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Rethinking farmer incomes, Seminar, 748, Dec. 2021.

Towards agri-market reforms, in The Hindu Handbook of Agriculture, The Hindu Group, Chennai, 2020.

Agrarian Distress: Beyond Cropping Pattern and Credit, EPW, 52(27), July 8, 2017.

Arthiyas in Punjab's APMC Mandis: Inadequate Analysis and Solutions, EPW, 51, April 2016.

Small Producers, Knowledge and Markets in Banerjee et al (eds.): India: Science and Technology, Vol. 3, Foundation Books and CSIR-NISTAD, New Delhi, 2015.

Ëconomic Development in Punjab: Policy challenges and the way forward, Economic and Political Weekly, 50(26/27), June 27, 2015.

GM crops and global agri trade, Economic and Political Weekly, 49(42), Oct 18, 2014.

Role of marketing in diversification, in Punjab Advance (in Eng, Hindi and Punjabi), June 2013.

Effective inclusive marketing systems for small farmers, The Hindu Annual Survey of Agriculture, 2013.

Policy for Punjab's Agriculture: Will it deliver?, Economic and Political Weekly, 48(51), December 21, 2013.

“FDI in Retail: Misplaced expectations and half-truths”, Economic and Political Weekly, 46(51), December 17, 2011, 13-16.

“Implications of Corporate Entry into Agricultural Input and Output Markets and its Impact on Small Producers and Consumers”, Summary of group discussion, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 65(1), 2010. 55-58.

“Implications of FDI in Food Supermarkets”, Economic and Political Weekly, 45(34), 21-27, 2010. 17-20.

‘Contract farming for agricultural development’, Seminar, 595, March 2009, 27-29.

“Implications of Corporate Entry into Agricultural Input and Output Markets and its Impact on Small Producers and Consumers”, Rapporteur’s Report on Theme 3 of the 69th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (ISAE) in Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 64(3), Conference Special, 2009.

“Producer Companies as New Generation Co-operatives” in Economic and Political Weekly, 43(20), 2008, May 17.

‘Credit, Indebtedness and Farmer Suicides in Punjab –Some Missing Links’, in Economic and Political Weekly, 41(30), July 29, 2006.

Punjab Agriculture: Need for a Balanced Approach’ South Asia Post, 22(1), August 31, 2006.

‘Case Analysis -1’ of the case study ‘Changing Trends in Retailing and FMCG Industry in India’ by N. Radhika, Case Folio, February, 2005.

“Public –Private Partnership for Agricultural Development: A Case Study of Contract Farming in Thailand”, in Souvenir of the Agriculture Summit, 2005 organised by the MoA, GoI, and the FICCI, New Delhi, April 9-10, 2005, 224-232.

“Marketing of Organic Produce and Minor Forest Produce”, Chairman’s Recommendations on Theme 1 of the 17th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) in Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 18(1), 2004.

“Reinventing Cadbury”, a case analysis, Case Folio, III (5), May 2003.

“Marketing of Organic Produce and Minor Forest Produce”, Chairman’s Report on Theme 1 of the 17th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) in Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 17(3), Conference Special, 2003.

“Archies: Vertical Integration or Vertical Co-ordination?”, a case analysis, Case Folio, II (12), December 2002.

“Green Revolution: In Light and Shade”, Economic and Political Weekly, 36(42), October 20, 2001.

Crisis in Punjab Agriculture”, Economic and Political Weekly, 35(23), June 3-9, 2000.

“Comments on Karnataka: Fiscal Correction for Human Development?- A study of state budgets, 2000-2008” in V Vyasulu (ed.): Karnataka: Fiscal Correction for Human Development?- A symposium, May 2008, CBPS, Bangalore, pp.74-75.

"Operational, Organisational and Management Efficiency of Agricultural Marketing System", A rapporteur's report for the 11th National Conference of the ISAM in Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 11 (3), 1997.

"Agriculture and Agribusiness - Will the Twain Meet?", Voices, 4 (1), 1996.

"Strategic Options for a Primary Marketing Co-opera­tive", a case diagnosis, Vikalpa, 20 (2), April - June, 1995.

"Effect of Industrial and Trade Policy Changes in India", Mainstream 31(27), May 15, 1993.

"Technology, Development and Society: The Capitalistic View and the Human Approach", International Journal of Development Banking, 10 (1), Jan. 1992.

"Third World Underdevelopment: Solutions from Within", Economic and Political Weekly, 26(49), December 7, 1991.

"Planning: Lessons from Karnataka", Economic and Political Weekly, 25(11), March 17, 1990 (co-authored).

"Haavelmo and Development Economics", Economic and Political Weekly, 24(48), December 2, 1989 (co-authored).

"Apologia for the Capitalist System", Economic and Political Weekly, 24(2), January 14, 1989 (co-authored).

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Amending agri market law but half-heartedly, Tribune, InFocus, Feb 17, 2020.

MSP being implemented the wrong way, The Hindu Business Line, ay 6, 2020.

Making Markets Work for Farmers During and After the Lockdown. The India Forum, June 5, 2020.

A bill to corporatise farming, Frontline, June 5, 2020.

Reform by stealth, Frontline, June 19, 2020.

Haryana pushes for sustainable farming, The Hindu Business Line, June 9, 2020.

Unaddressed issues in Agri marketing, The Hindu Business Line, Nov, 16, 20198.

Small size of farms not a Problem, Inefficient markets and Unremunerative prices are, India Spend, interview, Feb 7, 2019.

Small size of farms not a Problem, Inefficient markets and Unremunerative prices are, India Spend, interview, Feb 7, 2019.

Cong manifesto has some design issues, The Hindu Business Line April 12, 2019.

Competitive populism at play, The Tribune, Infocus: Agriculture, Chandigarh, April 22, 2019.

A missed opportunity for game changing reforms in agriculture, The Hindu Business Line, July 5, 2019.

Agri startups in Punjab need fiscal boost, The Tribune, March 27, 2018, opinion page, Chandigarh.

Contract farming Act an inadequate model, The Tribune, Chandigarh, May 24, 2018, op ed. P. 9.

Seeds of a new policy, The Tribune, Chandigarh, June 25, 2018, In Focus, p. 9.

Has the MSP promise been delivered?, The Tribune, Chandigarh, July 07, 2018.

Perishable Produce Agri market reforms- policy and issues, Geography and You, 102, 2017, New Delhi.

“APMCs: the other side of the story, The Hindu Business line, Feb. 9, 2015.

“Reforming markets, lessons from Bihar, The Tribune, Chandigarh, Feb. 6, 2015, Op ed. Agriculture page 9.

“Missing the woods for the trees” in the series on HT Debate on the State of the Punjab Economy, The Hindustan Times, Chandigarh, Feb, 3, 2015, p.2.

“In the name of the farmer, Mint, IIMA View, Ahmedabad, August 10, 2015.

“Crop insurance or deficiency payments, Mint, IIMA view, Ahmedabad, Dec. 21, 2015.

“Agrifranchising works, The Hindu Business line, Nov. 1, 2013

“Much Ado about Walmart, The Hindu Business Line, Opinion Page, October 16, 2013.

“Regulating contract farming- Punjab Way, The Tribune, Op Ed Agriculture, Chandigarh, July 8, 2013.

“Diversification policy: old wine in old bottles”, The Tribune, Chandigarh Op-Ed Agriculture, May 21, 2013, p. 9.

“The limitations of inclusiveness: The woes of rural wage labour”, Capacity.Org, Issue 44, April, 2012, pp.8-9

“Making FDI in Retail Inclusive”, The Tribune, Chandigarh, OpenEd Business P. 9, July 25, 2012

“Major Issues in Agribusiness: A smallholder perspective”, Yojana, 55, January, 2011.

“On the food chain: when reforming agri-markets, remember the small farmer”, Indian Express, all editions, opinion page (12), Feb. 18, 2011.

“Give big retail a chance”, Tehelka, financial world section, online, May 26, 2011.

“Who gains from FDI in retail?” The Tribune, Chandigarh, open economy page, p.13, November 26, 2011.

“Reasons to be wary of retail giants”, The Hindu Business Line, November 30, 2011.

“Sidhhe Videshi Nivesh de fayediana di asliat ki hai?, Daily Ajit (in Punjabi, on FDI in retail), Jalandhar, Dec. 23, 2011.

“Free power and water turning into tragedy” The Tribune, Chandigarh, July, 15, 2008, opinion page.

“Organic farming is worth it- Farmers’ commission report illogical”, The Tribune, Chandigarh, op. ed. page, Jan.15, 2009. (Also published in South Asia Post, 79(4), Jan.15, 2009 under the title: PSFC: Farmers’ Commission or Food Security Mission?”)

“Fresh food retail chains in India” in Retail Biz, May 2009, 24-27.

“Why subsidise farm labour?, The Tribune, Chandigarh Opinion page, Aug. 22, 2009.

“Union Budget and Rural Poor: Inclusive Enough?”, South Asia Post, March 15, 2008.

“Agri budget: Inclusive enough?”, DNA (Daily News and Analysis), Ahmedabad, March 19, 2008, p. 6 (opinion page).

“Ban on futures trading- can it control food inflation?”, (a part of roundtable on the subject) in Modern Food Processing, 3 (10), June 2008, p.44.

“This marks a return to the zonal limit regime” (debate article on ‘Should private wheat procurement from mandis be restricted?), Financial Express, April 9, 2007. All editions, p. 11.

“Kanak di Kharid-Hun Sarkari Izaredari? (Wheat Procurement: Now State Monopsony?) (in Punjabi), in the Punjabi Tribune, April 23, 2007, Chandigarh.

“Punjab wich Kheti Vibhinata ate Aukaran’ (Agricultural Diversification in Punjab and Obstacles) (in Punjabi), Punjabi Tribune, September 6, 2006, Chandigarh, p.6.

“The Railways lecturer”, The Hindustan Times, September 26, 2006, Mumbai Edition, p.12 (Op Ed page).

“Punjab di Kheti Kehre Raah? (Is this the way for Punjab agriculture?)” (in Punjabi), Punjabi Tribune, September 26, 2006, Chandigarh, p. 6.

“Lalu Prasad de Prabandhki Path” (Lalu Prasad’s Management Lessons), (in Punjabi), Punjabi Tribune, October 15, 2006, Chandigarh (magazine section, p. 3).

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Working Papers & Projects

Bridging global standard requirements and local farmer needs-implementing partners of the better Cotton Initiative in Pakistan and India, CBDS working paper No. 1, 2018, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark (co-authored).

Agribusiness franchising in India: Experience and Potential, IIMA WP No. 2014-12-09 December, 2014.

Governance and upgrading in export grape global production networks in India, Capturing the Gains Working paper No. 33, Univ. of Manchester, Manchester, 2013.

Corporate Farming in India: Is it must for Agricultural Development?, W P No. 2006-11-06, Nov. 2006.

Marketing of Indian Organic Products: Status, Issues, and Prospects, IIMA working paper, November 2004.

‘Contract Farming in India: Impacts on Women and Child Workers’, the Gatekeeper Series Paper No. 111, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, 2003.

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He has carried out research and consultancy studies and programs for ICCO, The Netherlands, ITC Geneva, IWMI, Colombo, ADB, Oxfam India, DSC, Ahmedabad, FAO, Rome, Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai Byrraju Foundation, Hyderabad, Gujarat State Investments Ltd., Gandhinagar NABARD, Mumbai, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, New Delhi, U P Land Development Corporation, Lucknow, North-East Council Secretariat, Shillong, Karnataka Milk Federation, ASSEFA- PLAN Uthiram¬erur India, ATI Washington, HP Milkfed, KRIBHCO, Accenture, and Omnivore Capital.

Awards & Honors

2010 - ESRC, UK –ICSSR, India Exchange Scholar at the University of Manchester during April-June

2010-2011 - Was selected for a 3-month Visiting Fellowship at Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS) Shimla

Teaching Area

Agro-food Value Chain Management and Development