Faculty & Research

Rajesh Chandwani


Primary Area : Human Resources Management

Secondary Area : Marketing , Public Systems


Email : chr-cmhs@iima.ac.in

Phone : +91-79-7152 4873

Secretary : Hiren Shah

Phone : +91-79-7152 7952

Website : Personal Website


Fellow Program in Management (Doctoral Degree), Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

M.D (Paediatrics), Baroda Medical College, Baroda

M.B.B.S, Baroda Medical College, Baroda


  • Human Resource Management
  • Healthcare Management
  • Hospital Management
  • HRM in service sector

Research Area

Scaling up of affordable healthcare services for the underprivileged

Information Communication Technology for enhancing healthcare delivery

Human Resource Management in Indian context


Yoga and its implications for holistic health

Academic Experience

Faculty Member, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, March 2014 onwards

Chairperson, Centre for Management of Health Services (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad), March 2016 onwards

Professional Experience

Academy of Management

Academy of Human Resource Development

Indian Academy of Pediatrics

Indian Medical Association

Selected Publications

Chandwani, R., De, R., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2018). Telemedicine for low resource settings: Exploring the generative mechanisms. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 127, 177-187.

Pandey, A., Chandwani, R., & Navare, A. (2018). How can mindfulness enhance moral reasoning? An examination using business school students. Business Ethics: A European Review, 27(1), 56-71.

Singh, J. B., Chandwani, R., & Kumar, M. (2018). Factors affecting Web 2.0 adoption: exploring the knowledge sharing and knowledge seeking aspects in health care professionals. Journal of Knowledge Management, 22(1), 21-43.

Chandwani, R., & Kumar, N. (2018). Stitching Infrastructures to Facilitate Telemedicine for Low-Resource Environments. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (p. 384). ACM.

Hentschel, J., Sherugar, S., Zhou, R., Kameswaran, V., Chandwani, R., & Kumar, N. (2017). Rice Today, Roti Tomorrow: Diets and Diabetes in Urban Indian Households. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (pp 4069-4081)

Chandwani, R., & Kulkarni, V. (2016). Who's the Doctor?: Physicians' Perception of Internet Informed Patients in India. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 3091-3102). ACM.

Chandwani, R., & De, R. (2016). Doctor-patient interaction in telemedicine: Logic of choice and logic of care perspectives, Information Systems Frontiers 19(4), 955-968.

Chandwani, R., & De, R. 2015. Analyzing Multimedia Data: Exploring the Dimensions of Context in ICT for Development Research, The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. 69.

Srinivasan, V., Chandwani R. 2014. HRM innovations in rapid growth contexts: the healthcare sector in India, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25:10, 1505-1525.

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Academic Conferences

Shaffakat, S., Otaye, L., Matthias J.R., Chandwani, R., Vongswasdi, P. (2017) Acting but Not Reacting: Role of Mindfulness in Moderating the PCV – Deviance Relationship, accepted for presentation in at the 2017 Academy of Management, Atlanta

Pandey, A., Chandwani, R. and Navare, A. (2017) What Yoga got to do with Positive Psychology: A Study of the Connections and Associated Mechanism, accepted for presentation in at the 2017 Academy of Management, Atlanta

Sharma, S., Kulkarni, V. and Chandwani, R. 2016. Legitimizing social enterprises: Role of hybrid stakeholders accepted for presentation at 2nd EGOS Colloquium 2016 in Naples, Italy 2016

Kumar, N., Chandwani, R., & Karusala, N. 2016. Addressing Patient Waiting Times in Low-Resource Environments. ICTD 2016, Ann Arbor, Michigan USA 2016

Kudesia, R. S., Pandey, A., Chandwani, R. 2016. Amplifying Energy: Temporal Dynamics of Work Engagement over a Mindfulness Training Program, Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, USA Aug. 2016

Pandey, A., Chandwani, R. and Navare, A. 2015. Enhancing Moral Reasoning (in Business School): Role of Mindfulness and Compassion, slated for oral presentation during Academy of Management Meeting, Vancuover, Canada in Aug. 2015

Chandwani, R., Vasanthi S., Jha, M., Nagadevara, V., 2014. "Building an identity for scaling up: Case studies of Indian affordable healthcare organizations". Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia Aug 2014.

Singh, J.B., Chandwani, R. 2014. "Adoption of Web 2.0 Technologies among Knowledge Workers: A Theoretical Integration of Knowledge Sharing and Seeking Factors". Accepted for presentation at European Conference of Information Systems, Tel Aviv.

Chandwani, R., Vasanthi S., Jha, M., Nagadevara, V., 2013. "Leadership for social enterprises: Moving beyond socially responsible leadership through Indian philosophical perspective", accepted for presentation at the 29th EGOS colloquium, Montreal.

Chandwani, R., Vasanthi S., Nagadevara, V., Jha, M., 2013. "HR system for scaling up of social enterprises: A case of affordable healthcare organization ", Academy of Management Meeting, Orlando, Florida.

Chandwani, R., Vasanthi S., Jha, M., Nagadevara, V., 2013. "Politics of social enterprises: The role of influential people in scaling up", Academy of Management Meeting, Orlando, Florida.

Chandwani, R., Vasanthi S., Jha, M., Nagadevara, V., 2013. " Does the Big Idea drive the social enterprises? The role of mission and vision in scaling up". Indian Academy of Management, Ahmedabad, India

Chandwani, R., Vasanthi S., 2012. "Filling institutional voids: Moving from social entrepreneurship to institutional entrepreneurship", accepted for presentation at the EGOS colloquium Helsinki.

Chandwani, R., Vasanthi S., Nagadevara, V., Jha, M., 2012. "Scaling up of social enterprise to fill institutional voids: a case study of CBHI in rural India", Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.

Chandwani, R., Vasanthi S., Jha, M., Nagadevara, V., 2012. "Scaling up without selling out: Cases of Indian healthcare organizations for the underprivileged", Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.

Chandwani, R., Vasanthi S., Jha, M., Nagadevara, V. 2012. "Narayana Hrudayalaya: How the HR practices and policies enable organizational strategy implementation", IHRM conference, Gurgaon, India.

Chandwani, R., Vasanthi S., Devare, D.T., Jha, M., Nagadevara, V. 2012. "HR issues in a rapidly growing organizations in an evolving industry: A perspective on health care sector in India", IHRM conference, Gurgaon, India.

Chandwani, R. 2011. "Multilevel analysis of CBHI (Community based health insurance): Industry Infrastructure Framework for processual analysis of Social innovations", SMS Research Workshop on Emerging India: Strategy, Innovation and Sustainability, IIM Calcutta India.

Chandwani, R., Vasanthi S., 2011. "The concept of mindfulness and its organizational implications", Indian Academy of Management, Bangalore.

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Awards & Honors

2014 - Best innovation award: BabySteps, an IT platform for early detection of developmental delays and growth issues in infants was adjudged as the best innovation; CAMTech India Jugaadathon, Bangalore, 2014, sponsored by USAID

2013 - Best paper award from the Indian Society of Training and Development (ISTD) Paper titled, ‘The concept of mindfulness and its organizational implications'

2012 - Awarded research grant of 21500 Singapore dollars. Selected as the Project Principal Investigator for the project titled: The dynamics of interplay of technology with 'Health seeking behaviour' and 'doctor-patient interaction' in telemedicine: Case studie

2008,2009 - "Director's Merit List" awards Fellow Program in Management, IIM B. 2008-2009