Faculty & Research

Premilla D'Cruz


Premilla D'Cruz is Professor of Organizational Behaviour at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad. Her expertise centres around workplace bullying, emotional abuse and harassment; emotions at work, technology and work; identity and self at work; informal and precarious work and employment; organizational control; positive organizational scholarship; and whistleblowing at work. She is internationally recognized for her pioneering research in the field of workplace bullying. 

Professor D'Cruz has published in Journal of Business Ethics, Organization, Information and Organization, International Journal of Human Resource Management and Personnel Review, among other reputed peer-reviewed journals. Her well-cited research, which is largely postpositivist in orientation, contextually anchored and encompasses macro-micro linkages, yields theoretical contributions and application recommendations of global relevance. In acknowledgment of her influential work, she has received numerous research awards and grants throughout her academic career. Additionally, her work has been quoted or featured in the popular media including outlets such as The Economic Times, The Times of India, Live Mint, and Outlook, among others. 
Professor D'Cruz holds numerous prestigious editorial roles. She is Section Editor of Labour Relations and Business Ethics at the Journal of Business Ethics and a member of the Editorial Board of Human Resource Management, both FT50 journals. She is an organizing committee member of the UN Global Compact PRME World Tour Research Paper Development Programme and has been an external expert reviewer for the WHO Mental Health at Work guidelines. 

Professor D'Cruz serves as Governance Committee member of the International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, the foremost global forum for workplace bullying scholarship. She is former President (2016-2018) of the IAWBH. 


Primary Area : Organisational Behaviour


Email : pdcruz@iima.ac.in

Phone : +91-79-7152 4933

Secretary : Ankur Sumesra

Phone : +91-79-7152 7936

Website : Personal Website


Ph.D, Tata Institute of Social Sciences


  • Micro-OB
  • Workplace Creativity 
  • Psychology
  • Qualitative Research Methods

Research Area

Workplace bullying

Emotions at the workplace

Technology and work

Identity and self at work

Organizational control

Positive scholarship

Whistleblowing at work

Informal and precarious work and employment

Academic Experience

Senior Visiting Research Scholar,, Department of HRM, Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde, May 2008

Visiting Lecturer, Cornell University, Spring 2010

Visiting Researcher, Department of HRMM, Portmouth Business School, University of Portsmouth, May 2010

Visiting Researcher, AIAS, University of Amsterdam, August 2011

Visiting Researcher, Bergen Bullying Group, University of Bergen , May-June 2012

Visiting Researcher, Department of Organizational and Personnel Studies, Rotterdam School of Management , April-May 2013; September-October 2014

Visiting Researcher, Faculty of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, June 2013

Visiting Researcher, AISSR, University of Amsterdam , September-November 2016

Visiting Professor, University of Western Australia Business School, September 2019

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Professional Experience

Section Editor, Labour Relations and Business Ethics, Journal of Business Ethics

Member, Organizing Committee, UN-PRME World Tour Research Paper Development Programme [UN Global Compact/Principles of Responsible Management], 2021-2024

External Expert Reviewer, WHO Mental Health at Work Guidelines, 2022

Governance Committee, International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, 2020 to date

President , International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, 2016-2018

Secretary, International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, 2010-2016

Board member [SIG co-ordinator] , International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, 2008-2010

Academy of Management, European Group for Organization Studies

European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology International Sociological Association

International Labour and Employment Relations Association Indian Psychiatric Society

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Funded Research Projects

ILO Geneva research grant on ‘Workforce productivity in Asia’, 2022. With Ernesto Noronha, Fang Lee Cooke and Nikolai Rogovsky.

DFG project on ‘Varieties of COVID-19 Reactions and Changing Modes of Globalization in the Global South’. 2022-2023. With Christina Teipen, Hansjorg Herr, Ernesto Noronha, Ben Scully, Bruno Conti, Praveen Jha

ILO Geneva research grant on ‘Working conditions factsheets in India’. With Ernesto Noronha, 2021

Volkswagen Stiftung. Global Value Chains In Germany, India And Brazil After Covid 19 – Beginning Of A New Type Of Globalization? With Christina Teipen, Hansjorg Herr, Ernesto Noronha, Bruno Conti, Praveen Jha

ILO Geneva research grant on ‘Human-centered workplaces in BRIC countries’, 2020. With Ernesto Noronha, Fang Lee Cooke and Nikolai Rogovsky.

ICSSR-NWO research grant 2016: Workplace Bullying and The Dutch Working Conditions Act: A Study of Target Experiences

ILO Geneva research grant on Telework/ICT-Mobile Work and its Effects in India. With Ernesto Noronha

ICSSR-NWO scholar exchange award 2014 – Workplace Bullying and The Dutch Working Conditions Act: A Key Informants’ Study

ILO Geneva research grant on ‘Public sector restructuring in India’. With Ernesto Noronha

ILO Geneva research grant on ‘Offshoring and Remote Work: India Country Study’. With Ernesto Noronha, 2007-2008

IDPAD grant 5.5.26 from 2003-2008 for the project ‘Enabled or disabled: The ITES-BPO industry in India’. With Ernesto Noronha

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Stapinski, P., Bjørkelo, B., D'Cruz, P., Mikkelsen, E. G., & Gamian-Wilk, M. (2023). A role that takes its toll? The moderating role of leadership in role stress and exposure to workplace bullying. International Journal of Conflict Management, 34(5), 1041-1058.

Abrams, R., Bal, P. M., D'Cruz, P., Hornung, S., Islam, G., McDonald, M., Sanderson, Z., & Tonelli, M. J. (2023). The story of this special issue on critical perspectives in work and organizational psychology. Applied psychology: An International Review, 72(1), 3-12.

D’Cruz, P., Du, S., Noronha, E., Parboteeah, K. P., Trittin-Ulbrich, H., & Whelan, G. (2022). Technology, megatrends and work: Thoughts on the future of business ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-24.

Ahmad, S., Islam, T., D'Cruz, P., & Noronha, E. (2022). Caring for those in your charge: the role of servant leadership and compassion in managing bullying in the workplace. International Journal of Conflict Management, (ahead-of-print), DOI 10.1108/IJCMA-05-2022-0098.

Noronha, E., Bisht, N. S., & D’Cruz, P. (2022). From fear to courage: Indian lesbians’ and gays’ quest for inclusive ethical organizations. Journal of Business Ethics, 177(4), 779-797.

Gamian-Wilk, M., Bjorkelo, B., Mikkelsen, E. G., D’Cruz, P., & Madeja-Bien, K. (2022). Workplace bullying: individual hostility, poor work environment or both? Exploring competing explanatory models in a single longitudinal study. International archives of occupational and environmental health, 1-15.

Mendonca, A., D’Cruz, P., & Noronha, E. (2022). Identity work at the intersection of dirty work, caste, and precarity: How Indian cleaners negotiate stigma. Organization, 13505084221080540.

Place Matters:(Dis) embeddedness and Child Labourers’ Experiences of Depersonalized Bullying in Indian Bt Cottonseed Global Production Networks. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-23. 2021. With E. Noronha, M.U.L. Banday, and S. Chakraborty. Doi: 10.1007/s10551-020-04676-1

D’Cruz, P., Noronha, E., & Katiyar, S. (2021). Meaningfulness and Impact of Academic Research: Bringing the Global South to the Forefront. Business & Society, 00076503211059761.

Navigating embeddedness: Experiences of Indian IT suppliers and employees in the Netherlands. 2020. Journal of Business Ethics, 164:95–113. With Ernesto Noronha and Muneeb Ul Lateef Banday.

Doing dignity work: Indian security guards’ interface with precarity. 2018. Journal of Business Ethics, 162:553–575. With Ernesto Noronha and Saikat Chakraborty.

Exploring workplace bullying from diverse perspectives: A Journal of Applied Communication Research forum. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 48(6), 637-653. 2020. With Tye-Williams, S., Carbo, J., Hollis, L. P., Keashly, L., Mattice, C., & Tracy, S. J.

Bystander behaviour in workplace bullying: Apathy versus inaction. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 58, 3, 313-334. 2020. With Megan Paull, Maryam Omari and Burcu Guneri-Cangarli.

Prevention of and Interventions in Workplace Bullying: A Global Study of Human Resource Professionals' Reflections on Preferred Measures. 2020. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31:20, 2622-2644. With Denise Salin, Renee Cowan, et al.

The changing role of the nation-state and work-related regulation: Workplace bullying legislation in the Netherlands. 2019. Economic and Labour Relations Review, 30, 1, 77-98. With Roelie Mulder, Ernesto Noronha, NIels Beerepoot and Slawek Magala

Workplace Bullying Across the Globe: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Human Resource Professionals' Definitions and Perceptions of Negative Acts. 2019. Personnel Review. Vol. 48 No. 1, pp. 204-219. With Denise Salin, Renee Cowan, et al.

D’Cruz, P., & Noronha, E. (2018). Target experiences of workplace bullying on online labour markets: Uncovering the nuances of resilience. Employee Relations, 40(1), 139-154.

D’Cruz, P., & Noronha, E. (2018). Abuse on online labour markets: targets’ coping, power and control. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 13(1), 53-78.

D’Cruz, P., Noronha, E., & Lutgen-Sandvik, P. (2018). Power, subjectivity and context in workplace bullying, emotional abuse and harassment: insights from postpositivism. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 13(1), 2-9.

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Depersonalized bullying at work: From evidence to conceptualization. 2015. Springer

Workplace bullying in India. 2012. Routledge

Employee identity in Indian call centres: The notion of professionalism. 2009. Sage/Response (with Ernesto Noronha)

Thinking creatively at work: A sourcebook. 2008. Sage/Response

Family care in HIV/AIDS: Exploring lived experience. 2004. Sage

In sickness and in health: The family experience of HIV/AIDS in India. 2003. Sage/Stree

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Edited Books

Major reference works

Chief Co-editor with Ernesto Noronha of Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment. Springer, 2021.

Concepts, Approaches and Methods, Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Volume 1. Co-editors – Ernesto Noronha, Guy Notelaers, Charlotte Rayner, 2021.

Pathways of Job-related Negative Behaviours, Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Volume 2. Co-editors – Ernesto Noronha, Elfi Baillien, Bevan Catley, Karen Harlos, Annie Hogh, Eva Gemzoe Mikkelsen, 2021.

Dignity and Inclusion at Work, Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Volume 3. Co-editors – Ernesto Noronha, Carlo Caponecchia, Jordi Escartin, Denise Salin, Michelle Tuckey, 2021

Special Topics and Particular Occupations, Professions and Sectors, Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Volume 4. Co-editors – Ernesto Noronha, Loraleigh Keashly, Stacy Tye-Williams, 2021

Other edited books

Asian perspectives on workplace bullying and harassment. 2021. Singapore: Springer. With Ernesto Noronha and Avina Mendonca

Indian perspectives on workplace bullying: A decade of insights. 2018. Springer. With Ernesto Noronha, Avina Mendonca and Nidhi Mishra

Critical perspectives on work and employment in globalizing India. 2017. Springer. With Ernesto Noronha

Chief Co-editor with Ernesto Noronha of Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Springer, 2021.



India’s platform economy: A site for the commodification-decommodification dynamic. Platform labour and global logistics: A research companion. 2023. Edited by Immanuel Ness. Routledge

Organization advantage: Experience of telework in India. In J. Messenger (Ed.) Telework in the 21st century. 2019. Edward Elgar. With Ernesto Noronha.

Indian platform workers: Prospects and problems. With Ernesto Noronha. 2019. In K.R. Shyam Sundar (Ed), Globalization, Labour Markets, Institutionalization, Processes and Policies. Palgrave.

Mediation and Conciliation in Collective Labor Conflicts in India. With Ernesto Noronha. 2019. In M. Euwema et al. (eds.), Mediation in Collective Labor Conflicts, Industrial Relations & Conflict Management,. Springer.

Varieties of workplace bullying in India: Towards a contextualized understanding. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Indian perspectives on workplace bullying: A decade of insights. Forthcoming. Singapore: Springer. With Ernesto Noronha and Ananya Syal.

Forgiveness: A new dynamic in workplace bullying. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Indian perspectives on workplace bullying: A decade of insights. Forthcoming. Singapore: Springer. With Nidhi Mishra, Parvinder Gupta and Ernesto Noronha

Indian freelancer’ experiences of bullying on online labour markets: Insights into digital workplaces in the informal economy. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Indian perspectives on workplace bullying: A decade of insights. Forthcoming. Singapore: Springer. With Ernesto Noronha.

Abuse faced by child labourers: Novel territory in workplace bullying. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Indian perspectives on workplace bullying: A decade of insights. Forthcoming. Singapore: Springer. With Muneeb ul Lateef Banday, Saikat Chakraborty and Ernesto Noronha.

Beauty service workers’ encounters with abusive customers: Furthering the concept of external bullying at work. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Indian perspectives on workplace bullying: A decade of insights. Forthcoming. Singapore: Springer. With Avina Mendonca and Ernesto Noronha

Noronha, E., D’Cruz, P., Chakraborty, S., & Banday, M. U. L. (2022). Drawing one's lifeworld: A methodological technique for researching bullied child workers. In E Bell and S. Singh Sengupta (Eds), Empowering Methodologies in Organisational and Social Research (pp. 75-95). Routledge India.

Noronha E., D’Cruz P. (2022) Social Upgrading, a Mixed Bag: The Indian IT/ITES Sector. In: Teipen C., Dünhaupt P., Herr H., Mehl F. (eds) Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Van Heugten, K., D’Cruz, P., & Mishra, N. (2018). Surviving workplace bullying, emotional abuse and harassment. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Volume 2. Singapore: Springer.

D’Cruz, P., & Noronha, E. (2021). Workplace Bullying in the Context of Robotization: Contemplating the Future of the Field. In P. D’Cruz et al, (Eds). Concepts, Approaches and Methods, Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, pp. 293-321. Springer.

D’Cruz, P., Noronha, E., Mendonca, A., & Bhatt, R. (2021). Engaging with the East: Showcasing Workplace Bullying in Asia. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Asian Perspectives on Workplace Bullying and Harassment (pp. 1-20). Singapore: Springer.

D’Cruz, P., Bisht, N. S., & Noronha, E. (2021). Theorizing the workplace bullying–workplace dignity link: Evidence from lesbians in Indian workplaces. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Asian Perspectives on Workplace Bullying and Harassment (pp. 21-57). Singapore: Springer.

Noronha, E., & D’Cruz, P. (2021). Employment relations in India. In G. Bamber et al (Eds), International and Comparative Employment Relations: Global Crises and Institutional Responses (pp. 315-338). London:SAGE.

Trolling in the Cultural and Creative Industries. In Handbook of Research on Cyberbullying and Online Harassment in the Workplace (pp. 46-71). 2020. IGI Global. With A. Mendonca and E. Noronha.

Leung, W. F., D'Cruz, P., & Noronha, E. (2021). Freelancing globally: Upworkers in China and India, neo-liberalisation and the new international putting-out system of labour (NIPL). In J. Haidar and M. Keune (Eds), Work and Labour Relations in Global Platform Capitalism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar/ILERA-ILO.

Noronha, E., & D’Cruz, P. (2021). Key challenges for management policies and practices: The Indian experience. In N. Rogovsky and F. L. Cooke (Eds), Towards a human-centred agenda: Human resource management in the BRICS countries in the face of global challenges (pp. 81-105). Geneva: ILO.

Mapping ‘varieties of bullying’ The scope of the field. With Ernesto Noronha. 2021. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Volume 1. Singapore: Springer.

Farley, S., Coyne, I. J., & D'Cruz, P. (2018). Cyberbullying at work: Understanding the influence of technology. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Volume 1. Singapore: Springer.

Mendonca, A., & D’Cruz, P. (2018). Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment in the Context of Dirty Work. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Volume 4. Singapore: Springer.

The interface between significant others and workplace bullying. 2021. With Priscila Pellegrini, Suzana Tolfo and Simone Azeredo. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Volume 2. Singapore: Springer.

Bjorkelo, B., Thorsen, C., D’Cruz, P., & Mikkelsen, E.G. (2018). Whistleblowing and Bullying at Work: The Role of Leaders. In P. D’Cruz et al (Eds), Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Volume 4. Singapore: Springer.

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Academic Presentation


Keynotes, plenaries and invited talks

‘Country Study: India’ as part of the symposium ‘Human-centred productivity in Asia’ at Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting (4-8 August 2023), Boston, USA. With Ernesto Noronha.

Panel symposium on Leveraging Compassion to Address Inequality at Work: Towards Employee Well-Being and Organizational Flourishing, organized jointly with Jason Kanov, at Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting (4-8 August 2023), Boston, USA.

IAWBH PhD Workshop. Facilitator. 24 November 2021, Virtual. 

Identity and control. Presentation during PDW titled Contesting Social Responsibilities: The Manager versus 'the Rest of the World'? AOM 2021 Virtual Meeting, 30 July-3 August 2021.
Negotiating Dirtiness through Identity Work: Experiences of Cleaners in India. With Avina Mendonca and Ernesto Noronha. Presentation during Symposium titled Caste Work in Management Studies: How are Historical Stigma and Inequality Reproduced? AOM 2021 Virtual Meeting, 30 July-3 August 2021.

In search of human-centered business: The India experience. With Ernesto Noronha. Special session on Making and Breaking Boundaries in Work and Employment Relations. ILERA Congress, online, 21–24 June 2021 (Lund, Sweden).

Publishing critical work in Journal of Business Ethics: AOM-CMS-in-touch Virtual PDW, Panel Member, 8 June 2021.

Back to the drawing board: Revisiting the bases of the field of workplace bullying. Keynote address at the 12th IAWBH Conference Virtual/Online, 12-14 April 2021 (Dubai, UAE).

What qualitative research brings to the field of workplace bullying: Substantive insights and methodological considerations. Symposium organizer with Ernesto Noronha at the 12th IAWBH Conference Virtual/Online, 12-14 April 2021 (Dubai, UAE).

Using visual methods in management research, IIMA R & P workshop series. With Ernesto Noronha. 10 February 2021. 

Twenty-five years of workplace bullying research: Where do we go from here? Annual Employment Relations Lecture, University of Western Australia, 23rd September 2019, Perth, Australia
Abuse of Child Workers in Bt Cottonseed Global Production Networks: A Study From India. With Ernesto Noronha, Saikat Chakraborty and Muneeb Ul Lateef Banday. Modern Slavery Symposium. 16 September 2019, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia

The individual, group and organizational dimensions of depersonalized bullying at work: Etiologies, outcomes and processual dynamics. Presentation at the symposium on Exploring the group dynamics involved in bullying at work. 11th International conference on workplace bullying and harassment, 5-8 June 2018, Bordeaux, France. With Ernesto Noronha.

Global value chains and the Indian IT sector. Presented at the workshop on “Global Value Chains – Economic and Social Upgrading” held between 01 February – 03 February 2018 at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany. With Ernesto Noronha. 


Oral conference presentations

‘When tradition meets modernity: Photographing workers’ safety’ at IVSA Conference, 27-29 June 2023, Nairobi, Kenya. With Ernesto Noronha.

From being bullied to mustering the courage to disclose sexuality:  A  hermeneutic phenomenological study of Indian lesbians and gays at work. With Nidhi Bisht and Ernesto Noronha. QRM Conference, 4-6 April 2023, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Workplace bullying on online labour markets: A critical hermeneutic phenomenology approach. With Ernesto Noronha. QRM Conference, 4-6 April 2023, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Khemani, Garima, D’Cruz, Premilla, Noronha, Ernesto and Gupta, Parvinder (2022), “Indian food-delivery workers’ lived experiences of bullying in the platform economy: A phenomenological study”, paper presented at the ILPC (International labour process conference) 2023 at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, April, 2023.

Platform work in India. With Ernesto Noronha. Features and Futures of Digital Labor Conference held at Athens, Greece, 3-5 November 2022. 

Khemani, Garima, D’Cruz, Premilla, Noronha, Ernesto and Gupta, Parvinder (2022), “Delivering happiness at your door-step (At what cost?) - Indian food-delivery workers’ experiences of bullying”, paper presented at the 38th BAM annual meeting at Alliance Manchester business school, Manchester, UK, August-September, 2022.

Country Study: India as part of the symposium ‘Human-centred HRM in the BRICS countries: Emerging practices in the face of global challenges’. AOM 2022, Seattle, USA (Co-author – Ernesto Noronha)

How Servant Leadership Averts Workplace Bullying: A Moderated-Mediation Examination. With Saima Ahmad, Talat Islam and Ernesto Noronha. Oral presentation at AOM 2021 Virtual Meeting, 30 July-3 August 2021.

Khemani, Garima, D’Cruz, Premilla, Noronha, Ernesto and Gupta, Parvinder (2021) “Workplace bullying targets’ experiences of well-being in the platform economy: The relevance of hedonia and eudaimonia" Paper presented at 12th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment (IAWBH), Dubai, U.A.E., April, 2021.

Caste: An internationally significant social category triggering workplace bullying. With Ernesto Noronha, Avina Mendonca and Garima Khemani. Oral presentation at the 12th IAWBH Conference Virtual/Online, 12-14 April 2021.

The interface between workplace bullying and dirty work: A new research agenda. With Avina Mendonca. Oral presentation at the 12th IAWBH Conference Virtual/Online, 12-14 April 2021.
Workplace bullying targets’ experiences of well-being in the platform economy: The relevance of hedonia and eudaimonia. With Garima Khemani, Parvinder Gupta and Ernesto Noronha. Oral presentation at the 12th IAWBH Conference Virtual/Online, 12-14 April 2021.

Banday, M. U. L., Noronha, E., & D’Cruz, P. Being ‘young’: Learning and slogging practices among Indian IT sector workers. 39th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC) 2021 (Online).

Banday, M. U. L., Noronha, E., & D’Cruz, P. Enterprise discourse and conditional inclusion: Negotiating age and gender in the Indian IT industry. 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021 (Online).

Banday, M. U. L., Noronha, E., & D’Cruz, P. Unionizing as ‘truth telling’: A Foucauldian analysis of unionism in the Indian IT sector. BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2021 (Online).

Chakraborty S., Noronha, E., D'Cruz, P, & Gupta, P. (2021, June 21-24). Dignity implications of client-supplier relationship: A study of Indian security guards and their employers [Paper presentation]. 19th International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) World Congress, held virtually. 

Chakraborty S., Noronha, E., D'Cruz, P, & Gupta, P. (2021, July 29- August 4). Contracting out to manage: Evidence from security service suppliers and clients in India [Paper presentation]. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), held virtually.

Chakraborty S., Noronha, E., D'Cruz, P, & Gupta, P. (2021, August 25-27).  Redefining dignity: Indian security guards’ unionized response to precarity [Paper presentation]. British Sociological Association (BSA) Work, Employment and Society Conference, held virtually.

Tensions of globalisation: Working of Indian IT firms in the Netherlands. With Ernesto Noronha. ILO-RDW conference, 8-10July 2019, Geneva

‘Understanding worker’s resistance: Experience of brick kiln workers in Ahmedabad’. With Ernesto Noronha. IVSA conference, 20-22 June 2019, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA. 

At the far ends of GPNs: Child labour in hybrid cottonseed production in Western India. With Muneeb Ul Lateef Banday, Saikat Chakraborty and Ernesto Noronha, ILPC conference, 24-26 April 2019, Vienna.

The Indian IT industry: A GPN perspective. With Ernesto Noronha, 2019. GLU conference, 27-29 March 2019. Berlin.  

"Emotional Abuse on Olms: Evidence from Indian Freelancers," Oral Presentation at ISA Congress, 15-21 July 2018, Toronto. 

Making the best of the deal: Security guards in India navigating their precariousness. Oral presentation, ILERA conference, 23-27 July 2018, Seoul. With Ernesto Noronha and Saikat Chakraborty.

Overcoming Multiple Marginalizations: The Role of the Prestigious Aspects of Beauty Service Work. Oral presentation, ILERA conference, 23-27 July 2018, Seoul. With Avina Mendonca and Ernesto Noronha.
“When East meets West: Experience of Indians working in the Netherlands” Oral presentation, ILERA conference, 23-27 July 2018, Seoul. With Ernesto Noronha.

Children's portrayal of employers' power on Bt cotton farms in India. IVSA, 25-28 June 2018. Evry, France. With Ernesto Noronha, Muneeb ul Lateef Banday and Saikat Chakraborty.  

Understanding workplace cyberbullying: A review of what we know so far. 11th International conference on workplace bullying and harassment, 5-8 June 2018, Bordeaux, France. With Sam Farley and Iain Coyne. 

Rewriting the power dynamics of external bullying at work: The occupational dialectics of dirty work. 11th International conference on workplace bullying and harassment, 5-8 June 2018. With Avina Mendonca and Ernesto Noronha