Faculty & Research

Rama Mohana Turaga


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Rama Mohana R Turaga is a Professor in the Public Systems Group at IIM Ahmedabad (IIMA). Turaga holds a Ph.D. in Public Policy from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, and a Masters Degree in Environmental Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Prior to joining IIMA, Turaga worked as a Research Associate at Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA, where he was a key researcher on the projects funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Turaga’s prior experience also includes a stint in environmental management consulting (for close to six years) during which he worked with industries and state and central governments on environmental assessments and policy analysis projects.

Turaga’s broad research interests lie in sustainability policy and governance. Recent and current projects include the political process of environmental regulation, India's electronic waste regulations, corporate sustainability, collective action in the context of environmental sustainability and livelihoods in agriculture, adoption of voluntary environmental standards by Indian firms, and urban sustainability. His research has been published in reputed international journals such as Nature FoodJournal of Policy Analysis and ManagementEcological EconomicsJournal of Industrial Ecology, and the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. During 2015-2018, Turaga was the Editor-in-Chief of IIMA's journal Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers. At IIMA, Turaga teaches courses on environmental sustainability and public policy.


Primary Area : Public Systems Group

Secondary Area : Centre for Management in Agriculture


Email : mohant@iima.ac.in

Phone : +91-79-7152 4857

Secretary : Suresh Mannem

Phone : +91-79-7152 7975

Website : Personal Website


Ph.D., Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 2007

M.Tech., Environmental Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, 1995

B.E., Civil Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, 1993


Corporate Sustainability, Methods for Policy Analysis and Research, Public Policy

Research Area

Public Policy Analysis and Management

Environmental Regulation and Policy

Corporate Sustainability

Academic Experience

Professor, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Dec 2023 - Present

Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Jan 2015 - Nov 2023

Assistant Professor, IIM Ahmedabad, Jun 2012 - Dec 2014

Visiting Assistant Professor, IIM Ahmedabad, Jun 2010 - May 2012

Research Associate, Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA, Feb 2008 - Jun 2010

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA , May 2007 - Jan 2008

Graduate Research Assistant, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, Aug 2001 - Apr 2006

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Professional Experience

Business Analyst, Tata Consultancy Services, India, Dec 1995 - Aug 2001


Arif, A., & Turaga, R. M. R. (2023). Covid-19 cure perceptions and media use in India. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 16(4), 358-369.

Turaga, R.M.R. & Mittal, H. (2023). The policy process of adopting environmental standards for coal plants in India: accommodating transnational politics in the Multiple Streams Framework. Policy & Poliitcs, 51(2), 334-361.

Bizikova, L., Nkonya, E., Minah, M., Hanisch, M., Turaga, R.M.R., Speranza, C.I., Karthikeyan, M., Tang, L., Ghezzi-Kopel, K., Kelly, J., Celestin, A.C., & Timmers, B. (2020). A scoping review of the contributions of farmers’ organizations to smallholder agriculture. Nature Food, 1, 620-630.

Turaga, R. M. R., Jha-Thakur, U., Chakrabarti, S., & Hossain, D. (2020). Exploring the role of Urban Green Spaces in 'smartening' cities in India. Impact assessment and project appraisal, 38(6), 479-490.

Kalyan, B., & Turaga, R.M.R. (2018). India's e-waste Rules and their Impact on e-waste Managment Practices: A Case Study. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 22(4), 930-942

Nalini, B., Turaga, R.M.R., & Bhamoriya. V. (2018). Farmer Producer Organizations as Collectives: A Case Study. Development Policy Review, 36(6), 669-687

Turaga, R.M.R. (2016). The Politics of Formulation of Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation in India: A Case Study. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 18(2), 1650016 (Absrtact)

Turaga, R.M.R., Noonan, D., & Bostrom, A. (2015). Spatially Fine Regulation of Air Toxics. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 34(2), 298-327 (Abstract)

Turaga, R.M.R., Howarth, R., & Borsuk, M. (2014). Perceptions of Mercury Risk and its Management. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 20(5), 1385-1405

Turaga, R.M.R., Noonan, D., & Bostrom, A. (2011). Hot Spots Regulation and Environmental Justice. Ecological Economics, 70(7), 1395-1405

Turaga, R.M.R., Howarth, R., & Borsuk, M. (2010). Pro-environmental Behavior: Rational Choice Meets Moral Motivation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1185(2010), 211-224

Noonan, D., Turaga, R.M.R., & Baden, B. (2009). Superfund, Hedonics, and the Scales of Environmental Justice. Environmental Management, 44(5), 909-920

Baden, B., Noonan, D., & Turaga, R.M.R. (2007). Scales of Justice: Is there a Geographic Bias in Environmental Equity Analysis? Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 50(2), 163-185

Bostrom, A., Turaga, R.M.R., & Ponomariov, B. (2006). Earthquake Mitigation Decisions and Consequences. Earthquake Spectra, 22(2), 313-328

Bostrom, A., Barke, R., Turaga, R.M.R., & O'Connor, R. (2006). Environmental Concerns and the ‘New Environmental Paradigm' in Bulgaria. Journal of Environmental Education, 37(3), 25-40

Turaga, R.M.R. & Bozeman, B. (2005). Red Tape and Public Organizations' Decision Making. American Review of Public Administration, 35(4), 363-379

Turaga, U.T. & Turaga, R.M. (2004). Science Policy for India: A Memo to the Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. Philosophy Today, 48(5), 109-115

D. Nagesh Kumar, T. Rama Mohana Rao, & M. Bandyopadhyay. (1998). Optimal Design of Water Distribution System using Linear Programming Gradient (LPG) Method. Journal of Indian Water Works Association, Vol. XXX, 79-87

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Kandathil, G., Varma, P., & Turaga, R. M.R. (2022). A women inclusive emancipatory alternative to corporate capitalism: The case of Kerala state initiated Kudumbashree programme. In R. Varma & D. Vijay (Eds.), Organising Resistance and Imagining Alternatives in India (pp. 318–354). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Turaga, R.M.R. & Sugathan, A. (2020). Environmental Regulations in India. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science

Kathuria, V. & Turaga, R.M.R. (2014). Small Industry in India: Are CETPs an Appropriate Response toward Pollution Control? In "Globalization and Standards: How Have Firms and Consumers Responded in India?" Ed. Keshab Das, New Delhi: Springer

Academic Conferences

"Individual Responsibility and its Influence on Sustainable Behaviors: An Experimental Study in the Context of Mercury-reducing Actions." Paper presented (co-authored with Richard Howarth and Mark Borsuk) at the Sixth Beinnial Conference of the United States Society for Ecological Economics, East Lansing, MI, 26-29 Jun 2011

"Environmental Risk Indicators to Motivate Environmentally Responsible Behavior." Poster presented (co-authored with Mark Borsuk) at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Baltimore, MD, 6-9 Dec 2009

"Hot Spots Regulation and Environmental Justice." Presented at the Thirtieth Annual APPAM Fall Research Conference, Los Angeles, 6-8 Nov 2008

"Designing Environmental Risk Indicators to Motivate Sustainable Behavior." Presented (co-authored with Mark Borsuk) at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Boston, MA, 7-10 Dec 2008

"Spatial Resolution, Costs, and Equity in Air Toxics Regulation." Poster presented at the Twenty-Ninth Annual APPAM Research Conference, Washington, D.C., 8-10 Nov 2007

"Spatial Resolution and Equity in Risk-based Regulation." Presented (co-authored with Douglas Noonan and Ann Bostrom) at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, San Antonio, TX, 9-12 Dec 2007

"The Partnership for Environmental Research and Community Health (PERCH) Phase III, Part 1: Community-scale risk assessment in greater Pensacola, Florida." Presented (co-authored with Ryan Gesser, Michael Chang, Ted Russell, and Ann Bostrom) at the 14th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air and Waste Management Assoc., The 86th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, GA, 28 Jan – 3 Feb 2006

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Other Publications

Turaga, R.M.R. & Kandathil, G. (2014). Defining the Social Responsibility of Business: Whose Business is it? Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLIX, No. 7, February 15, 2014

Awards & Honors

2014 - Finalist, Dr. Alfred N. and Lynn Manos Page Prize for Sustainability Issues in Business Curricula

2007-2008 - Outstanding Ph.D. Student, School of Public Policy

2006-2007 - Dean's Fellowship for Dissertation Support, Ivan Allen College and School of Public Policy (department-wide competitive award)

2006 - Student Travel Award, Society for Risk Analysis (competitive award), 2006

2006 - Air and Waste Management Association (font:16px open sans Chapter) Research Scholarship (state-wide competitive award), 2006

1998 - Kancharaddy Memorial Award for best paper, Journal of Indian Water Works Association, 1998

1993-1995 - Indian Institutes of Technology Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering Scholarship,

1992 - Outstanding academic performance recognized by nomination to Andhra University's Academic Senate,