Faculty & Research

Poornima Varma


Primary Area : Centre for Management in Agriculture


Email : poornimav@iima.ac.in

Phone : +91-79-7152 4818

Secretary : Snehal Jethwa

Phone : +91-79-7152 7931

Website : Personal Website


Ph.D , Economics, CESP, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, , 2010

MPhil , Applied Economics, CDS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, , 2002


Graduate Courses

  1. Agricultural Markets & Pricing
  2. International Agri-Food Trade
  3. Agricultural & Food Policy
  4. Managing Sustainability (With Prof. Ram Mohan Turaga) 

Doctoral Courses

  1. Trade and Agricultural Market Module in Agricultural Management II 
  2. Couple of sessions in Agricultural Development Policy

Executive Education

  1. Agri-Input Marketing

Research Area

International Trade

Trade and Agriculture

WTO related issues, Trade and Environment

Sustainable agricultural practices

Food Security issues

Issues of food security and food safety

SPS and TBT in international trade

Price formation in agricultural markets

Current Research:

Agrarian transformation in India

Agricultural supply response

Intra industry trade

Pricing to market behaviour of Indian exporters

Adoption of sustainable agricultural practices

Crop diversification and agricultural growth

Agricultural exports and food security

Public distribution system

Academic Experience

Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad , since April 2014

Assistant Professor, TERI University, New Delhi, 2009-2014

Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar , University of Massachussets, Amherst, MA, US, 2007-08

Research Fellow, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi , 2003-2007

Professional Experience

Member of Agricultural Economic Society

Member of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA)

Funded Research Projects

Pulses Production, Markets and Food Security in India: An Analysis at the Micro level. Proposal submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. Initiated from January, 2017.

Enhancing Rice Productivity and Food Security: A Study of the Adoption of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Selected States of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. 2015-16.

Farmers' perception and adoption of sustainable ground water management practices: An analysis of selected states of India. IIM-A Research & Publishing seed funding. Initiated from August, 2015.

Intra‐Industry Trade and the Likely Labour Market Adjustment in SAFTA‐Exploring the Reasons for poor Intra‐Regional and Intra‐Industry Trade. Funded by the South Asia Network Of Economic Research Institutes SANEI. 2014-15

Status of Agriculture in Uttar Pradesh: An Inter-Regional Analysis with Special Reference to Marginal and Small Farmers, submitted to Oxfam India, Lucknow Office in 2007.


Varma, P. Understanding the Adoption of Multiple Practices of System of Rice Intensification in India. Applied Economics (Revise and Resubmit).

Varma, P. (2017). Adoption of System of Rice Intensification under Information Constraints: An Analysis for India. The Journal of Development Studies, 1-19.

Issar, A., Varma, P. (2016) Are Indian Rice Exporters Able to Price Discriminate? Empirical Evidence for Basmati and Non-Basmati Rice, Applied Economics, 48(60), 5897-5908.

Gupta, A., Varma, P. (2015). Impact of Futures Trading on Spot Markets- An Empirical Analysis of Rubber in India,Eastern Economic Journal, 1-14.

Varma, P. (2015), An Analysis of Country Specific Determinants of Horizontal and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade in the Food Processing Sector of India, International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 8(4).

Varma, P., Issar, A. (2015) Pricing to Market Behaviour of India's High Value Agri-Food Exporters: An Empirical Analysis of Major Destination Markets, Agricultural Economics, 47 (1): 129-137.

Varma, P. Ramakrishnana, A. (2014). An Analysis of the Structure and Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade in Agri-Food Products:Case of India and Selected FTAs, Millenial Asia, Published by Sage, 5(2): 179-196.

Ramakrishnan, A., Varma, P. (2014). Do Free Trade Agreements Promote Intra-Industry Trade?- An Analysis for India and its FTAs, (with Anjali Ramkrishnan), International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 7(2): 129-144

Varma, P. 2013. India's Marginal Intra-Industry Trade in Selected Agricultural and Processed food Products: The likely implications on Adjustment Costs and Food Security, Journal of Resources, Energy and Development (Vol. 10, March)

Kallummal, M., Gupta, A., Varma, P. 2013. South Asian Exports of Agricultural Products to European Union and the Role of SPS Standards related to Border Restrictions: An Analysis of the RASFF (with Murali Kallummal and Aditi Gupta),Journal of Economic Policy and Research, Vol. 8, No. 2.

Varma, P. 2013. Doha Sectoral Negotiations: A Study on Healthcare Sector in India", Foreign Trade Review, Quarterly Journal of Indian Institute of Foreign Trade by Sage Publications, 48(3): 399-411

Choudhary, S., Kallummal, M., Varma, P. 2013. Trade Creation and Trade Diversion in the India-Sri-Lanka Free Trade Agreement: A Sector Specific Analysis, Journal of Economic Policy and Research , Volume 8, No. 1.

Varma, P. 2012. An Analysis of India's Bilateral Intra Industry Trade in Agricultural Products, International Journal of Economics and Business Research (IJEBR), Vol. 4, Nos. 1/2.

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Varma, P (2017) Rice Productivity and Food Security in India: A Study of the System of Rice Intensification. Springer Singapore.


Varma, P. (2017). Patidar Exports Private Limited. Co-authored with Sanjay Kumar Jena. IIMA/CMA0819.


Varma, P. (2016). India and EU Trade in Chemical Sector: Evidence on Pollution Haven Hypothesis. Co-authored with Prerna Prabhakar, Murali Kallummal. In Contemporary Issues in Trade, Environment and Policy. Edited by Ananya Ghosh Dastidar and Yamini Gupt. Pp.71-88. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Varma, P. 2004. Trade Reforms and the Commodity Prices in Kerala: A study of Rubber and Coconut, in Kerala's Economic Development, Sage, New Delhi.

Academic Conferences

Agricultural Technology Adoption under Multiple Constraints: An Analysis of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in India. In 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts (No. 235806). Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. http://purl.umn.edu/235806.

Price Discrimination and Pricing to Market Behaviour of Indian Rice Exporters: Empirical Evidence for Basmati and Non-Basmati Rice. IIMA Research Seminar, 11th March, 2015 at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad. A joint paper with Akash Issar.

An Analysis of the Structure and Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade in Agri-food Products – The case of SAFTA. At the Association of Asia Scholars' Conference on Political Economy of Economic Cooperation among Asian Countries, Centre for Development Economics and Innovation Studies and Planning Commission Chair, Punjabi University, Patiala. February 8, 2014. A joint paper with Anjali Ramkrishnan.

Intra‐Industry Trade and the Likely Labor Market Adjustment in SAFTA‐Exploring the Reasons for poor Intra‐Regional and Intra‐Industry Trade. At the 13th Annual SANEI Conference, 31st August 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh. A joint paper with Anjali Ramakrishnan.

Doha Sectoral Negotiations: A Study of Healthcare Sector in India. At the 3rd Conference on Empirical Issues in International Trade & Finance that was held at Science City, Kolkata on January 10th & 11th, 2013. A joint paper with Rajat Verma and Murali Kallummal

Impact of Futures Trading on Spot Markets-An Empirical Analysis for Indian Rubber. At the 8th conference of Asia Pacific Association of Derivatives, Busan, Korea, 23-24 August 2012. A joint paper with Akanksha Gupta.

US and EU agricultural Support Policies: Its Reality and Consequences. At the Young Scholars' Seminar, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, March 14-15, 2010 Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

US Agriculture under WTO-A Critical Evaluation. At the Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, US, 11th December 2007.

Country Specific Determinants of Horizontal and Vertical Intra- Industry Trade in Portugal. At the 5th GEP Post-Graduate Conference, organized by Leverhulme Centre for Globalisation and Economic Policy, the University of Nottingham, UK on 21-22 April, 2006. Discussant of poster presentation by Nuno Carlos Leitao.

Rethinking the role of Domestic Support in Distorting Trade. At the Fifth GEP Post-Graduate Conference, organized by Leverhulme Centre for Globalisation and Economic Policy, the University of Nottingham, UK on 21-22 April 2006.

The US Domestic Support and Its likely Implications for Developing Countries. At the 6th European Trade Study Group (ETSG) Annual Conference in University of Vienna, AUSTRIA on September, 7-9, 2006. Varma.pdf

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Working Papers & Projects

Pricing to Market in India's Horticultural Sector - A Port-Level Analysis of Onion Market. The Journal of Policy Modelling. A Joint Paper with Akash Issar. (Under review)

Adoption and the Impact of System of Rice Intensification on Rice Yields and Household Income: An Analysis for India, Empirical Economics. (Under review)

Adoption of System of Rice Intensification and its Impact on Rice Yields and Household Income: An Analysis for India. 2nd March, 2017. IIMA Working Paper No.: WP2017-02-03.

Adoption of Natural Resource Management Technologies under Information Constraints: The Case of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in India. 3rd March, 2017. IIMA Working Paper No.: WP2017-02-04.

India's Horticulture Sector – A Port-Level Analysis of Onion Export Pricing. 10th March, 2017. IIMA Working Paper No.: WP2017-03-01. A Joint Paper with Akash Issar.

Intra-Industry Trade and Labour Market Adjustment: Indian Manufacturing Sector. 4th Apr-2017. IIMA Working Paper No.: WP.No.2017-04-01. A Joint Paper with Akash Issar.

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Awards & Honors

2007 - Fulbright scholarship for doctoral research in the US.