Sasi Misra is Institute Professor, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI), Gandhinagar since 2004. At EDI, he is the Editor, The Journal of Entrepreneurship; Chair, Centre for Research in Entrepreneurship Education and Development (CREED) and Chair, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Biennial Conferences on Entrepreneurship Research.
In 2004, Misra superannuated as Professor of Organizational Behaviour from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA). At IIMA, he taught organizational behaviour, human resource management, research methods, and negotiation behaviour in the doctoral, postgraduate, and executive education programmes for over three decades. He has been Chairman Admissions; the Division of Research, the Centre for Faculty Development, the Department of Organizational Behaviour; and Editor, Vikalpa at IIMA.
Sasi Misra's research contributions are in the areas of attribution theory, work motivation, applied social psychology, cross-cultural psychology, and institution building in higher education. He (with R N Kanungo) has advanced the Theory of Human Resourcefulness (1992) and has published (with Sherry Chand) Institution Building: An International Perspective on Management Education (1999). His latest publication (with J P Das) is Cognitive Planning and Executive Functions: Applications in Management and Education (2015). He has over fifty research papers in academic and professional journals of international repute. In addition, he has many publications in popular magazines.
Sasi Misra was Vice Chancellor, Berhampur University, Orissa (2001-2002). He was Visiting Lecturer at the University of Uppsala, Sweden and Abo Academy, Finland (1969), Visiting Scholar, Harvard Business School (1974), Visiting Professor, McGill University, Canada (1985-86 and 1992-93), Visiting Professor, the University of Munich, Germany (1980-81) and the University of Bamberg, Germany (1994, 1997, 2003 and 2006).
Sasi Misra is an Alexander von Humbolt Fellow at Universities of Munich and Bamberg (Germany), Shastri Indo-Canadian Fellow at McGill and the University of Alberta, Canada and Commonwealth Faculty Research Fellow at University of Aston, UK.
Misra has served as consultant to many public and private sector organizations as well as on the evaluation team of CADA, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. He also serves on several academic boards and governing councils of public and private institutes of higher education as well as deemed universities
Misra earned his MA in Psychology (1966) and Ph.D. in Psychology (1969) both from the University of California, Los Angeles, USA. He is a recipient of US Scholastic honour (Sigma XI). He is an educationist of repute and behavioral scientist of distinction. His name has been entered in biographical directories namely Men of Achievements, Biography International, Reference India, and American Biographical Institute.
Date of Birth: December 23, 1941