Neil H Borden (Marketing)

Neil H Borden (Marketing)

Neil H Borden (Marketing)

Professor Neil H Borden worked in the Marketing Area from September 1964 to March 1965.

He was deputed to the Institute by HBS for a period of five months to advice faculty members on the editing of cases. Prof. Borden participated in the Three Tiered Management Development Programme conducted in Jaipur between January and February 1964.

He began his career in teaching at Harvard University as an Assistant Professor in 1922 after which he became an Associate Professor in 1928. A fulltime Professor since 1938, he coined the term, Marketing Mix.

He was also the recipient of several awards including the Advertising Gold Medal Award for Education. Prof. Borden functioned in the capacity of President of the American Marketing Association in 1953. He authored The Economic Effects of Advertising (1942) among several other publications.

During his 40 year career at Harvard Business School, Prof. Borden's impact on the understanding and practice of advertising management was truly significant.

Although he never held an executive position at an agency, advertising or media firm, he shaped the knowledge and attitudes of thousands of advertising leaders.

During the Great Depression when advertising's economic role was widely questioned, Prof. Borden undertook the massive and comprehensive study that resulted in his classic 970 page volume, The Economic Effects of Advertising (1942). Other publications include, National Advertising in Newspapers (1946), Problems in Advertising (1937), Advertising Management (1960), Determination of Confusion in Trademark Conflict Cases (1937), California Law Review (1937) and The Economic Effects of Advertising (1942) among many others. His development of the seminal concept of the marketing mix continues to remain a foundation of marketing management teaching and practice.

Prof. Borden's legacy lives on in his writings and in the behavior of his students. Prof. Boren is one in a handful of greats who developed and established critical theories on managerial practice in advertising.

Date of Birth: 1895

Date of Death: June 01, 1980