Research by Centre Members
2022 (until July)
- Bansal, A., Gopalakrishnan, B., Jacob, J., & Srivastava, P. (2022). Impact of operational fragility on stock returns: Lessons from COVID ‐19 crisis. International Review of Finance. Link
- Bansal, A., & Jacob, J. (2022). Impact of price path on disposition bias. Journal of Banking & Finance, 143. Link
- Bhachech, J., Chakrabarti, A., Kaizoji, T., & Chakrabarti, A.S. (2022). Instability of Networks: Effects of Sampling Frequency and Extreme Fluctuations in Financial Data. The European Physical Journal. Link
- Bose, G., Jain, T., & Walker, S. (2022). Women’s labor force participation and household technology adoption. European Economic Review, 147. Link
- Dhar, D., Jain, T., & Jayachandran, S. (2022). Reshaping Adolescents’ Gender Attitudes: Evidence from a School-Based Experiment in India. American Economic Review. Link
- Gopalakrishnan, B., Jacob, J., & Mohapatra, S. (2022). COVID-19 pandemic and debt financing by firms: Unravelling the channels. Economic Modelling, 114. Link
- Gupta, N., Mishra, A., & Jacob, J. (2022). Prospect Theory Preferences and Global Mutual Fund Flows. Journal of International Money and Finance, 125. Link
- Jain, T., Dhar, D., Kapoor, V., Kapur, V., & Raj, A. (2022). Measuring gender attitudes: Developing and testing Implicit Association Tests for adolescents in India. PLOS ONE, 17(6). Link
- Kariya, A. (2022). Earnings-based borrowing constraints & corporate investments in 2007–2009 financial crisis. Journal of Corporate Finance, 75. Link
- Kumar, P., Deodhar, S. J., & Zaheer, S. (2022). Cognitive sources of liability of foreignness in crowdsourcing creative work. Journal of International Business Studies. Link
- Ram Mohan, M. P., & Raj, V. (2022). Section 29A of India’s Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: An instance of hard cases making bad law? Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 1–26. Link
- Rampal, J. (2022). Limited Foresight Equilibrium. Games and Economic Behavior, 132, pp. 166–88. Link
- Rathi, S., Chakrabarti, A. S., Chatterjee, C., & Hegde, A. (2022). Pandemics and technology engagement: New evidence from m-Health intervention during COVID-19 in India. Review of Development Economics. Link
- Srivastava, J., & Gopalakrishnan, B. (2022). Work from Home Amenability and Venture Capital Financing during COVID-19. Applied Economics. Link
- Srivastava, J., Sampath, A., & Gopalakrishnan, B. (2022). Is ESG the key to unlock debt financing during the COVID-19 pandemic? International evidence. Finance Research Letters, 49. Link
- Agarwalla, S., Varma, J., & Virmani, V. (2021). “The Impact of COVID-19 on Tail Risk: Evidence from Nifty Index Options.” Economics Letters 204 Link
- Agarwalla, S., Varma, J., & Virmani, V. (2021). Rational repricing of risk during COVID-19: Evidence from Indian single stock options market. Journal of Futures Markets. Link
- Agarwalla, S., Saurav, S., & Varma, J. (2021). Lottery and bubble stocks and the cross‐section of option‐implied tail risks. Journal of Futures Markets. Link
- Banerji, A., & Rampal, J. (2020). Reverse Endowment Effect for a New Product. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Link
- Bansal, A., Jacob, J., & Pandey, A. (2021). Influence of endogenous reference points on the selling decisions of retail investors. European Financial Management. Link
- De, S., Mohapatra, S., & Ratha, D. (2021). Sovereign credit ratings, relative risk ratings and private capital flows: Evidence from emerging and frontier markets. Studies in Economics and Finance. Link
- Deep Prakash, C., & Majumdar, A. (2021). Analyzing the Role of National Culture on Content Creation and User Engagement on Twitter: The Case of Indian Premier League Cricket Franchises. International Journal of Information Management. Link
- Gangadharan, L., Jain, T., Maitra, P., & Vecci, J. (2021). Lab-in-the-field experiments: perspectives from research on gender. The Japanese Economic Review. Link
- Gopalakrishnan, B., Jacob, J., & Mohapatra, S. (2021). Risk-sensitive Basel regulations and firms’ access to credit: Direct and indirect effects. Journal of Banking & Finance, 126. Link
- Guha, P., Bansal, A., Guha, A., & Chakrabarti, A. (2021). Gravity and depth of social media networks. Journal of Complex Networks, 9 (2). Link
- Gupta, A., & Das, P. (2021). Asymmetric political attention across foreign and domestic private equity real estate investors. Journal of Property Research, 1-29. Link
- Jain, T., & Jain, B. (2021). Infection testing at scale: An examination of pooled testing diagnostics. Vikalpa: The Journal For Decision Makers, 46(1), 13-26. Link
- Jain, T., Mukhopadhyay, A., Prakash, N., & Rakesh, R. (2021). Science education and labor market outcomes in a developing economy. Economic Inquiry. Link
- Kariya, A. (2021). Borrowing from government owned banks & firm's liquidation risk. Journal of Corporate Finance, 69. Link
- Majilla, T., & Das, A. (2021). Household Income Shocks, Demand for Deposits, and Real Activities. SSRN Scholarly Paper. Link
- Majumdar, A., & Singh, P. (2021). Analysis and impact of COVID-19 disclosures: is IT-services different from others? Industrial Management & Data Systems. Link
- Mishra, A., Srivastava, P., & Chakrabarti, A. (2021). ‘Too central to fail’ firms in bi-layered financial networks: Linkages in the US corporate bond and stock markets. Quantitative Finance, 1-29. Link
- Mohapatra, S., & Purohit, S. (2021). The implications of economic uncertainty for bank loan portfolios. Applied Economics, 53(45), 5242-5266. Link
- Mohapatra, S., & Nagar, J.P. (2021). “Foreign Currency Borrowing and Firm Financing Constraints in Emerging Markets: Evidence from India”. Managerial Finance. Link.
- Nagar, N., Desai, N., & Jacob, J. (2021). “Do Big 4 Auditors Limit Classification Shifting? Evidence from India.” Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation Link
- Pal Singh, S., Adhikari, A., Majumdar, A., & Bisi, A. (2021). Does service quality influence operational and financial performance of third-party logistics service providers? A mixed multi criteria decision making -text mining-based investigation. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 157. Link
- Peck, J., & Rampal, J. (2021). Optimal monopoly mechanisms with demand uncertainty. Mathematics of Operations Research. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Raj, V. (2021). Auditors’ negligence and professional misconduct in India: A struggle for a consistent legal standard. Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 34(2), 93-127. Link
- Rathi, S., Mohapatra, S., & Sahay, A. (2021). Central bank gold reserves and sovereign credit risk. Finance Research Letters. Link
- Yadav, V., & Das, A. (2021). Nowcasting Inflation in India with Daily Crowd-Sourced Prices Using Dynamic Factors and Mixed Frequency Models. Applied Economics Letters. Link
- Aggarwal, M., Chakrabarti, A., & Dev, P. (2020). Breaking ‘Bad’ Links: Impact of Companies Act 2013 on the Indian Corporate Network. Social Networks. Link
- Agarwal, A. K., Das, A., Jacob, J., & Mohapatra, S. (2020).” Introduction to the Special Issue on ‘Financial Distress, Bankruptcy, and Corporate Finance.” Vikalpa.Link
- Chakrabarti, A., & Chakrabarti, A.S. (2020). Fractional Differencing: (In)stability of Spectral Structure and Risk Measures of Financial Networks.Link
- Das, A.,Agarwal, A. K., Jacob, J., Mohapatra, S., Hishikar, S., Bangar, S., Parekh, S., Basu, S., & Sinha, U. K. (2020). Insolvency and Bankruptcy Reforms: The Way Forward. Vikalpa. Link
- Das, A., Bansal, A., & Ghosh, Saibal. (2020). Financial Misconduct, Fear of Prosecution and Bank Lending.” Economic and Political Weekly.Link
- Das, A., & Gopalakrishnan, B. (2020). Profit Efficiency and Corporate Governance of Indian Banks.Link
- Desai, N., Jain, S.P., Jain, S., & Tripathy, A. (2020). The Impact of Implicit Theories of Personality Malleability on Opportunistic Financial Reporting. Journal of Business Research. Link
- Desai, N. (2020). Understanding the Theoretical Underpinnings of Corporate Fraud . Vikalpa Link
- Gopalakrishnan, Balagopal, & Mohapatra, S. (2020). The Effects of Reporting Standards and Information Sharing on Loan Contracting: Cross-Country Evidence. Cogent Economics & Finance.Link
- Gopalakrishnan, B., & Mohapatra, S. (2020).Insolvency Regimes and Firms’ Default Risk under Economic Uncertainty and Shocks. Economic Modelling 91.Link
- Kumar, S., Bansal, A., & Chakrabarti., A. (2020). Ripples on Financial Networks. The European Journal of Finance. Link
- Kumar, S., Di Matteo, T., & Chakrabarti, A. (2020). Disentangling shock diffusion on complex networks: identification through graph planarity. Journal of Complex Networks. Link
- Mohan, M. P. Ram., & Raj, V. (2020). Apartment Buyers as Financial Creditors: Pushing the Conceptual Limits of the Indian Insolvency Regime. Columbia Journal of Asian Law.Link
- Mishra, K., & Rampal, J. (2020). The COVID-19 Pandemic and Food Insecurity: A Viewpoint on India. World Development.Link
- Ram Mohan, M. P., & Reynaers, E. (2020). Right of Recourse Claims Based on Latent Defects in the public. University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review.Link
- Ram Mohan, M. P., & Reynaers, E. (2020). Energy Sector in India: Brace Yourself for Fact-Intensive Disputes. SSRN Scholarly Paper.Link
- Ram Mohan, M. P., Murugavelu, P., Ray, G., & Parakh, K. (2020). The Doctrine of Frustration under Section 56 of the Indian Contract Act. Indian Law Review Link
- Ram Mohan, M. P., & Namboodhiry, S. (2020). An Exploration of Public Risk Perception and Governmental Engagement of Nuclear Energy in India. Journal of Public Affairs. Link
- Ram Mohan, M. P., & Godha, M. (2020). The Law of Restitution for Unjust Enrichment in India Link
Working papers
- Das, A., Mohapatra, S., & Nigania, A. (2022). State-owned banks and credit allocation in India: Evidence from an asset quality review. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Gupta, A. (2022). Litigating Barbie: Trade Mark Infringement, Parody and Free Speech. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Gupta, A. (2022). Mutation of the trademark doctrine: Analysing actionable use to reconcile brand identities with constitutional safeguards. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Wadhwa, M. (2022). Stigma, Corporate Insolvency, and Law: International Practices and Lessons for India. Link
- Chakrabarti, A., Mishra, A., & Mohaghegh, M. (2021). Targeted interventions: Consumption dynamics and distributional effects. Link
- Gopalakrishnan, B., Lim, J.J., & Mohapatra, S. (2021). Pandemic Panic? Effects of Health System Capacity on Firm Confidence During COVID-19. Link
- Gopalakrishnan, B., Joshy, J., & Mohapatra, S. (2021). Government responses, business continuity, and management sentiment: Impact on debt financing during COVID-19. Link
- Govindan, M., & Ram Mohan, M.P. (2021). Exploring Gender Perceptions of Nuclear Energy in India. Link
- Raju, R., & Agarwalla, S.K. (2021). Equity portfolio diversification: how many stocks are enough? Evidence from India. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Gupta, A. (2021). Intellectual Property licenses in cross-border insolvency: Lessons from In Re Qimonda. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Gupta, A. (2021).Right to Research and Copyright Law: From Photocopying to Shadow Libraries. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Shah, U. (2021). Tracing Director Liability Framework during Borderline Insolvency & Corporate Failure in India. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Gupta, A. (2021).Treatment of Intellectual Property License in Insolvency: Analysing Indian law in comparison with the U.S. and U K. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Raj, V. (2021). Section 29A of India’s Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: An Instance of Hard Cases Making Bad Law? Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Raj,V. (2021).Insolvency set offs in India: A comparative perspective. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P. (2021).The Role of Insolvency Tests: Implications for Indian Insolvency Law. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., Ishizuka, N., & Sharma, S. (2021). Doctrinal Conflict in Foreign Investment Regulation in India: NTT Docomo vs. Tata Sons and the Case for “Downside Protection”. Link
- Srivastava, P., Joshy, J., & Pandey, A. (2021). A minimum buyback requirement in open market repurchases: Impact on the signalling role. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., Faisal, M.K., Alex, J., & Shiju, M V. (2020). Public perception of courts in India: unmeasured gap between the justice system and its beneficiaries. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Raj, V. (2020). Pre-packs in the Indian Insolvency Regime. Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Kini, E.R. (2020). Compensation for environmental damage: progressively casting a wider net, but what’s the catch? Link
- Ram Mohan, M.P., & Raj, V. (2020). Merger control for IRPs: Do acquisitions of distressed firms warrant competition scrutiny? Link
Book / Book chapters
- Kandathil, G., Varma, P., & Turaga, R. M. (2022). A women inclusive emancipatory alternative to corporate capitalism : The case of Kerala state initiated Kudumbashree programme. In R. Varma & D. Vijay (Eds.), Organising resistance and imagining alternatives in India (pp. 318–354). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Mohapatra, S. (2022). Global monetary policies and implications for financial flows to India and other emerging markets. In P. Mukherjee (Ed.), Revisiting the Indian financial sector. India Studies in Business and Economics (1st ed. 2022 ed., pp. 75–84). Singapore, Singapore: Springer.
Research supported/financed by Centre
- Bansal, A., Gopalakrishnan, B., Jacob, J., & Srivastava, P. (2022). Impact of Operational Fragility on Stock Returns: Lessons from COVID ‐19 Crisis. International Review of Finance. Link
- Bhachech, J., Chakrabarti, A., Kaizoji, T., & Chakrabarti, A.S. (2022). Instability of Networks: Effects of Sampling Frequency and Extreme Fluctuations in Financial Data. The European Physical Journal. Link
- Chakrabarti, A., & Sen, R. Copula Estimation for Nonsynchronous Financial Data. (2022). Sankhya B, 1-34. Link
- Chakrabarti, A., & Chakrabarti, A.S. (2020). Fractional Differencing: (In)stability of Spectral Structure and Risk Measures of Financial Networks. Journal of Network Theory in Finance. Link
- Singh, G.K., & Bandyopadhyay, T. (2022). How Informative Are Quantified Survey Data? Evidence from RBI Household Inflation Expectations Survey. The Singapore Economic Review 1-17. Link
New Research Projects
Coming soon!
Media Coverage
Faculty Research
- Indian state sector 'outperforms' private cos by 3-12% during lockdown: IIM-A study – Counterview
- Pharma, telecom gained during crisis – The Times of India
- IIM study proves stronger insolvency and bankruptcy framework likely to enhance credit discipline in firms – International Business Times
- Extended suspension of IBC may lead to riskier behaviour among firms: Study – The Hindu BusinessLine
- Study: Change in bank credit composition – The Times of India
- Huge shift in bank lending portfolios: IIMA study – BusinessLine on Campus
- Banks prefer household credit to corporate lending, says IIM-A study – Indian Express
- Board size matters for better performance of banks: study – The Hindu BusinessLine
- Economy slowing as firms' sales hopes take hit, finds IIM-A's inflation expectation survey
- ‘Inflation expectations steady, profit margins down’
- IIM-A survey points at the slowdown in economy
- Businesses expect inflation below 5% but uncertainty a cause for worry - Money Control
- Business back to normal? IIM-A survey says, sales expectations have sharply improved - Counterview
- Inflation expectations rose in November 18: Study by IIM-Ahmedabad Professor – The Times of India
- Sharp decline in sales, profits of business houses: Survey – The Times of India
- Indian companies’ profit margins ‘still not showing’ signs of improvement: IIM-A survey - All Gujarat News
- Economy comes to a standstill, inflation expectations rising fast: IIM-A survey - Counterview
- India's business leaders find 'clear signs' of cost pressures building up: IIM-A survey - Counterview
- Covid-triggered business pessimism on a steady decline: IIMA survey - Business Line on Campus
- IIM-A survey shows gradual improvement in sales, but profit margins remain low – The Print
- ‘Inflation expectations for MSMEs high at 4.7%’ – The Times of India
- Second wave ebbing, but business down in Gujarat – The Times of India
- IIM-A survey finds sales improving but margins shrinking for businesses - Hindu Business Line
- MSME survey finds sales, margins higher – Times of India
- High cost pressure on business continues, sale, profit level improve a bit: IIM-A survey - Counterview
- Market recovering from Covid blow – Times of India
- IIM-A survey: Inflation expectations remain high – Times of India
- High costs offset sales, mute profits: IIM-A report amidst GoI's high GDP growth claim – Counterview
- Indian businesses have become optimistic after RBI’s repo rate hike, IIM-A survey finds – The Print
- Firms expect inflation at 4.83% in 1 year – The Hindu
- Inflation expectations have fallen below 5% – The times of India
- Profit, Sales, Costs: signs of improvement, says IIMA survey of Indian business – Counterview
- IIM-Ahmedabad launches agri land price index -The Financial Express
- IIM Ahmedabad launches country's first Agri Land Price Index -Business Today
- IIM Ahmedabad in association with SPharmsIndia launches India's first Agri Land Price Index for agricultural land prices – Divya Bhaskar
- ISLPI: Good news! Now farmers will know the real value of land, will not be victims of fraud – Zee News
- IIM-Ahmedabad, SPharms India launch agricultural land price index – Navbharat Times
- IIM-Ahmedabad, SPharms India launch agricultural land price index – IBC24
Country's first agricultural land price index launched at IIM-A - Patrika News
- IIM-A, Aura Art announce index for Indian paintings - The Times of India
- Art index to tell buyers where to put their money- Hindustan Times
- Data-driven index tracing art prices launched - Financial Express
- IIM Ahmedabad, Aura Art Launch Art Index To Promote Indian Art Globally - BW Education
- IIM Ahmedabad Aura Art launch Art Index to promote Indian Art globally - Shiksha
- IIM Ahmedabad, Aura Art Launch Art Index To Promote Indian Art Globally - NDTV Education
- IIM Ahmedabad, Aura Art launch art index to promote Indian artists globally - Careers360
Conferences and Workshops
- Food and energy price shocks from Ukraine war may last for years : Dr Baffes, World Bank Group – The BizzBuzz India
- IIM Ahmedabad to hold first International Research Conference on Insolvency and Bankruptcy - The Free Press Journal
- Deep haircuts: Comparing realisations with outstanding loans not reasonable to assess IBC effectiveness, says RBI DG – The Hindu
- Govt seeks inputs on tackling cross-border insolvency: Union Minister Rao – Business Standard
- Evolving with changing scenarios will be crucial for IBC: Minister – Economic Times
- ‘Discussions are on to bring cross-border insolvency under IBC’ - The Hindu BusinessLine
- Comparing realizations with outstanding loans not reasonable to assess IBC effectiveness: RBI DG – The New Indian Express
- ‘Gross NPA ratio has decreased from 11.6% to 6.9%’ – Times Of India
- Resolution primary objective of IBC; but need to be mindful of recovery too: SBI MD – The Free Press Journal
- Resolution primary objective of IBC; but need to be mindful of recovery too: SBI MD J Swaminathan – The Pioneer