Harvard Business School and Ford Foundation consultant (1963-65)
Allan Cohen (1938- ), visited IIMA between 1963 and 1965 as a Ford Foundation Consultant while he was pursuing his doctoral studies at the Harvard Business School. He had earlier done his MBA at Harvard in 1959-61, done case research in the Philippines as a HBS Research Assistant in 1961-62 and eventually completed his PhD in Organizational Behaviour in 1967 with a dissertation on family business in India. He later worked as a faculty member of the University of New Hampshire (1966-82) and thereafter was a faculty at Babson College where he became the Distinguished Professor of Global Leadership. In an interview over Skype, he recounted his time at IIMA doing case research in the Organizational Behaviour area and teaching on a few occasions, the interaction with students and faculty, observations on hierarchy and the IIMA-HBS relationship in the formative years.
Interview recorded on 27th September, 2018
Watch the Video Snippets
Title: Allan Cohen sharing his experience from the time at IIMA